
General Talos

Talos is a member of the ruling council of Tarnax II, who served a General in the Skrullian army during the last years of the Kree-Skrull War.

They were crucial in brokering a deal with the Kree Super-Soldier Mar-Vell, who harboured a band of Skrullian refugees on her personal ship, in orbit around Terra, while she developed a light-speed engine more advanced than anything then known to the Kree, which she hoped would allow the Skrulls to escape Kree space undecected. However, Mar-Vell was killed by Yon-Rogg, and the location of the ship, and the refugees, was lost.

During an attack on a Skrullian refugee camp on Torfa by Starforce, Talos was able to capture who they believed to be a Kree Super-Soldier. However, when they attempted to use a Rigellian Retrospective Neural Imager to extract information about Kree movements, they discovered that she was in face Carol Danvers , a Human who had been brainwashed by the Supreme Intelligence LIX into believing she was a Pink-skinned Kree.

Talos used their shape-sifting abilities to infiltrate S.H.I.E.L.D, where they discovered that Danvers might know the location of Mar-Vell's lab, and their spouse and child.

They were able to persuade Danvers and her allies to help them, allowing them to be reuinted with their family. They then assisted Danvers in protecting the Tesseract from falling into Kree hands.

When Danvers left earth in search of a new Skrull homeworld, they accompanied her, eventually becoming one of the leaders of the resettled Tarnax II. When Danvers requested assistance during the Phalanx Crisis, Talos issued the order for ships to be sent to Hala to collect survivors. This is believed to have saved around 12,000 lives.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Like all deviant Skrulls, Talos possesses shape-shifting abilities.

As a trained warskrull, they are proficient with a variety of weapons, and in unarmed combat.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Family Ties

They are married, and have two children. Their eldest child was one of the Skrulls trapped on Mar-Vell's ship, while their youngest, Ca'Rill, was born after they settled on Tarnax II.

Year of Birth
1896 CE 122 Years old
Kral X, Kral System
Current Residence
Dard'Van (previously), Skrullian religion (current)
Known Languages
Skrullian (native), Galactic Standard (fluent), Kree (fluent), Rigellian (fluent), Shi'ar (proficient), Xandarian (proficient)