
Commander Yon-Rogg

Yon-Rogg was a Commander of the Kree Starforce during the last days of the Kree-Skrull War.

He was charged with retrieving Mar-Vell and her light-speed engine. He witnessed Carol Danvers absorbing the cosmic energy from the engine's explosion, and made the call to take her back to Hala.

There, Supreme Intelligence LIX used Danver's traumatic amnesia to convince her that she was a Pink-skinned Kree, and placed her into Yon-Rogg's supervision.

Yon-Rogg lead the attack on the Skrull refugee camp on Torfa, one of the last battles of the war.

When Danvers was captured by the Skrull and taken to Earth, Yon-Rogg followed, but was unable to prevent her from regaining her memories. In order to protect the Skrull refugees and prevent Starforce from getting the Tesseract , Danvers fought and defeated Yon-Rogg, and sent him unconcious back to Hala.

As a result of the failure, he was relieved of his command. When the Kree Civil War broke out, he sided with the Sons of Koth. He was killed in a battle against the forces of the Kree Imperium.

1950 CE 2013 CE 63 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed in combat during the Civil War
Place of Death
Imperium controlled space
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations