3.4. Black Panther

In 1992, King T'Chakka visits his brother N'Jobu, a member of Hatut Zeraze who is working undercover in Oakland. T'Chaka accuses N'Jobu of helping Ulysses Klaue steal Vibranium from Mena Ngai. When N'Jobu denies it, his American partner reveals he is also a member of the Hatut Zeraze, and confirms T'Chaka's story.

In the present day, a week after T'Chakka's death during the bombing of the United Nations HQ by the Winter Soldier, T'Challa returns to Wakanda to asume the throne. Before he returns home, he and Okoye stop in Nigeria to retrieve his former lover Nakia who is working undercover as part of the Hatut Zeraze.

When they land in Birnin Zana, they are greated by Queen Ramonda and T'Challa's younger sister Princess Shuri.

At Warrior Falls, before gathered representatives of the five tribes, T'Challa is given a drink which removes his enhanced strength. He asks if anyone wishes to challenge him for the throne, and M'Baku of the Jibari accepts the challenge. The two engage in ritual combat, and T'Challa is victorious. T'Challa is crowned King, and given the juice of the Heart-shaped Herb to drink. This allows him to visit the Ancestral Plane and speak with the shade of his father, who warns him that hard times are ahead.

In United Kingdom, Klaue and Erik Killmonger rob the British Museum, taking a Vibranium artefact.

When news of the robbery reaches Wakanda, T'Challa's friend W'Kabi, who had lost his parents to Klaue, urges T'Challa to bring him to justice, which T'Challa agrees to do.

T'Challa, Okoye, and Nakia travel to Busan to intercept Klaue at an underground casino where he has a buyer for the stolen Vibranium. However the sting goes wrong when T'Challa realises the potential buyer is actually Everett Ross, an undercover CIA agent.

When the Wakandan sabotage the operation, a shootout ensues, followed by a car chase through the city. They succeed to catching up the Klaue when he crashes his car, and T'Challa, in the guise of the Black Panther, comes close to killing him, but realises a crowd of civilians are filming him, and insteads hands Klaue over to the CIA.

The next day, during the attempted interrogation of Klaue, the CIA safehouse is attacked by Killmonger, who retrieves Klaue. Ross is severely injured in the attack, and T'Challa elects to take him back to Wakanda for life-saving medical care, rather than persuing Klaue.

While Shuri heals Ross, prompted by Killmonger's jobes, T'Challa seeks out Zuri, the Hatut Zeraze agent who had been undercover with N'Jobu. Zuri explains that N'Jobu's plan had been to share Wakandan technology with the African diaspora around the world to help them fight back against racism and oppression. When T'Chaka tried to arrest N'Jobu, N'Jobu attacked Zuri, forcing T'Chaka to kill him to save Zuri's life. T'Chaka ordered Zuri to hide the truth about what had happened, and left N'Jobu's young son son behind. This son, who's American name was Erik, later went on to join the U.S. Army and become a black ops soldier, taking the name Killmonger.

Killmonger chooses to kill Klaue, taking his body to Wakanda. Seeing he has brought Klaue to justice, W'Kabi allows him through the barrier. Killmonger reveals his identity to the Taifa Ngao and challenging T'Challa for the throne. The Council decides Killmonger has a legitimate claim, and so an incoronation begins, which T'Challa giving up his powers in order to fight. Killmonger defeats T'Challa, throwing him over the edge of Warrior Falls to his apparent death.

As the new Black Panther, Killmonger is given the juice of the heart-shaped herb and enters the ancestral plane. One his return, he orders the herb plants to be burned, to prevent anyone else from using them. Seeing this, Nakia manages to save one of the plants, and she, Shuri, Ross, and Ramonda flee he palace. They ask Okoye to come with them, but she says that the Dora Milaje serve the crown, not T'Challa, and as Killmonger had got the throne legally she has to stay and serve him.

Killmonger begins inplementing his father's plan, ordering weapons to be packed up in preparation for distrbuting them to Wakandan agents around the world, who will then overthrow white power structures.

Nakia and the others arrive in the Jibari-lands, intending to offer the herb to M'Baku if he will challenge Killmonger. Instead, M'Baku reveal that T'Challa had survived the fall, and the Jibari had been caring for him.

They feed T'Challa the heart-shaped herb in order to heal him, and he enters the ancestral plane a second time. His father tells him it is time to give up and join his ancestors, but T'Challa demands to know why Killmonger was abandonned instead of being brought home to his people. T'Chaka claims he did what was necessary to protect Wakanda, but T'Challa rejects this. HE says that they cannot hide forever, and he will return to stop the monster his father created.

T'Challa wakes up, and returns to Wakanda to stop Killmonger. T'Challa returns to Mount Bashenga and challenges Killmonger, now wearing a Panther Habit of his own.

While Shuri, Nakia, the Dora Milaje, and the Jibari battle the Border Tribe, Ross uses a drone to shoot down the planes carrying the weapons before they can leave the country. When W'Kabi realises that Okoye is standing against him, he orders his forces to stand down. Killmonger defeats the Dora Milaje and comes comes to killing Shuri before T'Challa saves her, tackling Killmonger into the Mena Ngai.

T'Challa and Killmonger battle on the tracks of the mine carts, the sonic disruptors destablising their panther habits. T'Challa uses this to his advantage and succeeds in stabbing Killmonger. As Killmonger dies, he carries him to the top of the mountain, so he can witness the sun rising over Birnim Zala. T'Challa tries to offer to heal Killmonger, but Killmonger refuses, preferring to die a free man than live in chains.

In order to begin Wakanda's entrance into the world, T'Challa founds an outreach center in Oakland based out of the apartment complex where N'Jobu had been killed.

He then gives a speak to the United Nations, in which he offers Wakanda's resources to the world.

Finally, Bucky Barnes is welcomed to Wakanda by Shuri, who is going to use Wakandan medical technology to help him overcome the brain damage and programming left by HYDRA.
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