Well of Wisdom

The Well of Wisdom is the name given to a pool of water in Asgard. The well is located in a cave, and the water in the pool is said come from the roots of Yggdrasill itself.

Since the end of the Aesir-Vanir War, the pool has housed the disembodied head of Mimir. It is not known whether it was surviving the decapication, or soaking in the waters of the pool, which was responsible for granting Mimir's gift of foresight, but the pool has become a common pilgrimage site.

It is believed that if a murderer drinks from the well, the unrepentant will die. Anyone who survives must be truely repentant and is therefore traditionally pardonned of their crimes.


As one of the most sacred sites to all Aesir, people visit the well only in times of extreme need.

Although it is not forbidden by Mimir, most Aesir consider non-Asgardians visiting the well to be sacrilgeous.