
Amberline (Illustry)

'Set' magic, made for one purpose only with a finite amount of charge. Created out of raw Ink that has been 'set' by a master into a particular tool, spell, or machine. It will retain that function and only that function. For example, an Amberlinean Clock will run until its charge runs out, and it must be maintained by an Illustrist who has knowledge of 'setting' Amberline - of which there are no known masters left. All Amberlinean technology has therefore fallen into a state of disrepair.   The name Amberline comes from the myth that Amber, or Amber Lassantine is set Ink in its raw form, without a Magician setting it.  

Setting Methods

  • Currently forgotten.


    Laws of Amberline

    1. Amberline only returns what it hence has been given. (It has a finite amount of energy, and only that which was originally put into it when it was 'set'.)
    2. Amberline must only be worked by those with living blood
    3. Amberline must be wakened by the Illustrist's touch. (Without skin contact it won't work.)
    4. Once set, Amberline's purpose cannot be changed.
    5. Once awoken, Amberline will stop only when its charge runs out.


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