
Fskȍbrāsîste̋, Czardom of Brassia

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Brassia - the vast, ancient kingdom in the west of Meddlemark. A place of endless ice and snow to the north, and grassy steppe in its south. This country is known for its old folktales, some being passed down for centuries, and its intricate beauracracy.  
"No country has ever begun so many wars over paperwork as Brassia. Nor so many won."
— Rhagonian historian, Professor Heia Balbokis
  The people are hardy, but hearty, with a nomadic love for thick, spice-rich stews and venison even those now settled in their Brass-domed cities. Song is a huge tradition in Brassia, and in their religion, named Brassian Orthodoxy, to separate the belief from those similar held by the Sokerewenian and Canaidonese peoples.   The extensive cultural perfusion of Brassian Orthodoxy, also known as the 'Church of the Eternal Flame' or the 'Wait of the Long Thaw' as it is sometimes called, means that Brassians revere the summer harvest and the end of winter at year's beginning, and often have very long (and very loud) festivities to celebrate.  

Etymology & Founding

  The country of Brassia was founded in the early 3rd century BGK by one of the nomadic tribes who lived in Meddlemark. This tribe is known today as the House of Brass, due to their prodigious talent in metalwork. Historical artfacts from this time suggest that they had a very advanced level of metalworking skill compared to the others groups of people in the region, and they profited greatly on trading metal creations with their neighbours, earning them the 'House of Brass' nickname, due to the word for 'Brass' in the Brassian language being used to refer to all metals, or reflective surfaces like mirrors. The country of Brassia is also called the 'Mirrorlands' by some.   In cultural myth, the House of Brass, the founders of the country, were also rumoured to be a tribe of humans who were Brasslings - a mythical species of human who were said to express metal in their skin, hair, bone, teeth and other aspects of their body, giving them greater strength and a better constitution than a normal human.   Brassia (Pronounced Brash-sha) - is known as Fskȍbrāsîste̋ in the Brassian language, which translates to Mirror-land or Metal-land and is thought to be named after the great marshy lakes in the eastern border regions known as the Witchlands that 'reflect the Sky's Eye back at it' so the poetic Brassian saying describes it.    

Geography of Brassia

  Brassian geography ranges from the high mountain range known as the Brasslands, to the vast still waters of Lake Brass, so calm and eerie that legend has it being a portal to another world. The north of the country that borders Sokerewenia consists of the vast open plains of the Narmitsipar Steppe.        


  1. General Info - Brassia
  2. History of Brassia
    • 2.1 Prehistory and antiquity in Brassia
    • 2.2 Foundation and early era in Brassia
    • 2.3 Empires and dynasties of Brassia
    • 2.4 Brassian protectorate of Falloway
    • 2.5 Early modern period in Brassia
    • 2.6 Brassian Wars of Succession
    • 2.7 Bluvian Independence
  3. Geography of Brassia
    • 3.1 Climate of Brassia
    • 3.2 Biodiversity of Brassia
    • 3.3 Geology and morphology of Brassia
    • 3.4 Physical geography of Brassia
  4. Politics of Brassia
    • 4.1 Legislative branch of Brassia
    • 4.2 Military of Brassia
    • 4.3 Brassian foreign relations
    • 4.4 Administrative divisions of Brassia
    • 4.6 Human rights in Brassia
  5. Economy of Brassia
    • 5.1 Tourism in Brassia
    • 5.2 Agriculture in Brassia
    • 5.3 Infrastructure of Brassia
    • 5.4 Energy in Brassia
    • 5.5 Narcotics in Brassia
    • 5.6 Water supply and sanitation in Brassia
  6. Science and technology in Brassia
    • 6.1 Natural Sciences in Brassia
    • 6.2 Modern and Old Scientific Theory in Brassia
    • 6.3 Prominent Brassian Scientists and Texts
    • 6.4 Magic in Brassia
    • 6.5 Alchemy in Brassia
  7. Demographics of Brassia
    • Class system of Brassia
    • 7.1 Religion in Brassia
    • 7.2 Deities of Brassia
    • 7.3 Brassian Mythology & Folklore
    • 7.4 Languages of Brassia
    • 7.5 Education in Brassia
    • 7.6 Health and Medicine in Brassia
  8. Culture of Brassia
    • 8.1 Brassian Architecture
    • 8.2 Literature of Brassia
    • 8.3 Music in Brassia
    • 8.4 Media in Brassia
    • 8.5 Brassian Cuisine
    • 8.6 Sport & Games in Brassia
    • 8.7 Art and sculpture in Brassia
  9. Notable Brassians

He who waits rules eternal

Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Palace economy
Major Exports
Pottery, fabric
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations


See Also:

Culture of Brassia, History of Brassia, Economy of Brassia, Geography of Brassia, Science and Technology of Brassia, Demographics of Brassia
Brassian Religion
Brassian Orthodoxy, Brassian Paganism


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