Principality of Falloway

Fánueireir, /Fʲan̪ˠuə̯ɾˠɛɾˠ/

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There's no warmth left past Falloway until the very End of the World, so you'd best mind keeping it in!
— Popular Fallowin adage used to scold a child for leaving a window open.
    F alloway is a tiny principality, to the far south of the world. Its climate is notoriously rainy and temperate, and its geological formation from mineral-rich volcanic rock has allowed the region to stay agriculturally productive, even when its bare position out on the Tropic of Olcairdh and the tempestuous Oldcairdh Sea make it difficult to reach by boat, and any trade routes having to pass through the Dusk Mountains making it hard to traverse by land.   Despite these geographical difficulties, Falloway has remained a surprisingly populous and powerful country. In terms of its Naval, Political, Economical and Illustrial power, it remains a key player on the world stage, despite its small size, and distance from other important trading nations.  

Origin and Etymology

  Falloway's name is derided from the epithet 'The Fallow Way' as it was known to early settlements and kingdoms in the region, (Fánueireir, pronounced /Fʲan̪ˠuə̯ɾˠɛɾˠ/, the word for Falloway in Fallowin, translates literally to 'The Always-Fallow Way.') The country originated as a collection of smaller kingdoms and familial tribes descended from the tribes who gave up the nomadic life on the steppes of Northern Meddlemark and settled permanently on the Fallowin Peninsula in around 14000-9000 BGK. During this period, the Leylandish Prowl was domesticated, and was used for hunting.  

History of Falloway

Prehistory and Antiquity of Falloway

  Stone Age and Agriculture (The Neolithic Revolution)   As in the similar settlements founded in the Leylands during this time, such as the early beginnings of what would later become Molia, Dandergord and Zouerland, early Fallowins soon discovered that the rich nutrients found in the volcanic soil of the 'Fallowlands' gave birth to a highly successful system of early agriculture. Domestication of plants and animals allowed humans to invest their energies in life and art instead of hunting.  

Geography of Falloway

  The Fallowin Peninsula, upon which the country of Falloway is settled, occupies part of the Vogos Plateau, an ancient basaltic lava plain which extended over parts of Brassia, Falloway and the Southern Teeth, which solidified into the 'pillar-like' basalt igneous landforms that the country is famous for. These basalt columns stretch all along the coast and into the many Fallowin sea-caves. In Fallowin folklore, they have been attributed as marking locations featuring entrances to the 'Undergrow' - the mythical Subterranean land populated by the 'Folk.'   The land is mostly arable, with ancient forest to the north as well as the rocky glacial remnants of the Dusk Mountains. Temperatures in Falloway stay mild to very cold. Due to the country's unique position directly on the Tropic of Olcairdh, its southern regions experience the unique weather phenomenon known as the 'Folk Lights,' a natural light display which manifest as dynamic patterns of lights, usually in colors of red, orange, yellow or purple at any time of the day, as well as long nights and short, dark days, earning its capital city the name Dusk.  

Politics of Falloway

  Falloway remains a principality in name more than in reality. The Darkweir Dynasty still holds the ceremonial title, passing it down from heir to heir, and though they do currently hold public office, with Tybald Caesus Darkweir current First Minister of Falloway, it was his election to the Fallowin Parliament, that gives him any functional power. The family have at most, adequate political sway, and it is their tradition for the heir to run for First Minister as proof they are no longer a monarchy. Through the Fallowin Parliament, the country retains the fantasy of democracy, but it acts functionally as a council oligarchy, with the election of the Councilhead of the Merchants' Council holding the most sway, due to their extremely powerful economic position, holding power over the entire country's import and export, and production and consumption from the highest to the lowest level of Fallowin society. This position is currently held by Peter Johannes Reighley, and has been held for three generations of his family, due to the line's particular interest in black-market dealings and subsequent great wealth. His father John Tyrsten Reighley, was known as the 'Banker King' due to his heavy hand in the country's economic system, a moniker that plays homage to the royal roots and merchant achievements of the founder of the Reighley Family, Raighley O'Reighley, who was an influential figure in beginning the great Maritime trade routes that made it such a wealthy and successful country.  

Economy of Falloway

  Falloway has a market economy, consisting of regulation-free private businesses and institutions overseen by individual corporations. Its import and export is overseen by the Fallowin Merchant Council, which, due to its unmitigated influence on the Fallowin economy, acts as an unelected de facto government. Falloway has traditionally exported Amberlinean products made by master craftsmen, as well as the range of products its famous Amberlinean factories, built during the period of Amberlinean Renaissance in Falloway, were able to produce. However, due to the treaty deliberations with the Nei Samstradian Empire, and the entry into the Amberlinean Dark Age, the economy has been shifted towards investing in the Naval, martial and financial industries, its foresight and rapidity to shift while other countries on the continent continued to invest in Amberlinean factories despite the waning of Amberlinean knowledge and expertise, allowing the country to remain fairly wealthy and powerful on the world stage.  

Science and technology in Falloway

  Since Fallowin Independence from the Brassian and Flomese Empires, there has been a particular investment into science and technology, especially of Illustrial nature, spearheaded by the Lighthouse Institutions in Fallowin cities. The Dusk Lighthouse, Falloway's largest and most prestigious University institution has housed several important discoveries during its centuries of existence, most notably the invention of Amberline and the use of it in technology. The Dusk Lighthouse housed roughly ninety percent of the world the repository of Amberlinean knowledge in 1349, when its building was burnt down and destroyed during an Insititutional coup, the loss of which has led to the current Amberlinean dark age.  

Demographics of Falloway

  The population of Falloway reached aprroximately 12 million by 1580 AGK, with the majority of those citizens settling in its largest cities and their suburbs: Dusk, Slu, Wuberg, Odeck and Urynk. Though there is a large presence of Flomese and Brassian culture, exemplified by city names, the majority population descends from the Croibhic groups that have been there since the peninsula's first settlement, with some admixture of genes similar to those of the Sky Islands and the Leylands, representing migration during the Gylarusian Empire. The official language is Fallowin, a descendent of Old Croibhic, and Leylandish, the ancient languages indigenous to the region, though South Brassian, Flomese, Bluvian, Walloren and Bluvian Flomese is spoken unofficially, indicating the multiculturality of the country's population. Falloway is majority religious, with the official religion Croibhism practiced by roughly 80% of the population, 15% practicing Fallowin Paganism, 3% Bluvian Orthodoxy and 1% Brassian Orthodoxy, though since the Merchant Revolution there has been a secularisation of the state in local and national politics.  

Culture of Falloway

A Hederal Window in the Chancery of Dulle, now a part of Molia, built approx. 11 BGK. by Pfeffermin (Using Microsoft Designer)
  The art and architecture of Falloway have been influenced by the cultures that have ruled the peninsula over the centuries. More recently, the Neo-Croibhic Kingdom of Wallorstein has inspired a renaissance of Croibhic-inspired architecture across the region, famous for its portrayal of the natural world with man-made materials, such as the Hederal Window, a term in Croibhic architecture which refers to the common design of small heart-shape windows built in a stone wall of a building, which together gives a similar look to ivy leaves. Flomese and Kielan art and culture have also retained popularity in all the Leyland countries including Falloway, with Fallowin theatre, poetry or literature often using the 'Three Heights' dramatical form developed in the Kielan City States, categorised by its format of three increasingly dramatic sections, with increasingly developed supernatural or divine elements, representing the ascendance towards the gods, or the heavens, with the first section being entirely mundane, and the final section usually chaotic and abstract. Flomese landscape artists such as Van Hoveen are popular in Falloway, and influence the majority of modern Fallowin artistic style. Food in Falloway retains a great similarity with the spice-rich stews and breads of the nomadic peoples of Brassia and Sokerewenia, with the additional prevelance of agricultural delicacies featuring dairy, or vegetables like the swede, or carbohydrate-rich potato which can be easily grown in the Fallowlands. Seasoned liberally with the popular Jasteli white pepper, Brassian blue salt and Molian aromatic herbs that it began to import after the Merchant Revolution, Fallowin cuisine provides the touch of warmth needed by the eater in the cold, damp lands of Falloway.


  1. General Info - Falloway
  2. History of Falloway
    • 2.1 Prehistory and antiquity of Falloway
    • 2.2 Foundation and early era of Falloway
    • 2.3 Empires and dynasties of Falloway
    • 2.4 Early modern period of Falloway
    • 2.5 Flomish Invasions of Falloway
    • 2.6 Brassian protectorate of Falloway: 563 - 1124 AGK
    • 2.7 Post-independence Falloway
    • 2.8 Amberlinean Renaissance in Falloway
    • 2.9 The Merchant Revolution of Falloway
    • 2.10 Amberlinean Dark Ages in Falloway
    • 2.11 Modern Period in Falloway
  3. Geography of Falloway
    • 3.1 Climate of Falloway
    • 3.2 Biodiversity of Falloway
    • 3.3 Geology of Falloway
  4. Politics of Falloway
  5. Economy of Falloway
    • 5.1 Tourism of Falloway
    • 5.2 Agriculture of Falloway
    • 5.3 Infrastructure of Falloway
    • 5.4 Energy of Falloway
    • 5.5 Narcotics in Falloway
  6. Science and technology in Falloway
    • 6.1 Natural Sciences in Falloway
    • 6.2 Modern and Old Scientific Theory in Falloway
    • 6.3 Prominent Scientists and Texts in Falloway
    • 6.4 Magic in Falloway
    • 6.5 Alchemy in Falloway
  7. Demographics of Falloway
  8. Culture of Falloway
    • 8.1 Fallowin Architecture
    • 8.2 Fallowin Literature
    • 8.3 Fallowin Music
    • 8.4 Fallowin Theatre
    • 8.5 Fallowin Cuisine
    • 8.6 Sport & Games in Falloway
    • 8.7 Art and sculpture of Falloway
  9. See also - Falloway
  10. Notes -Falloway  

Command the Last Hearth

Geopolitical, Principality
Alternative Names
Principality of Falloway
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations

Related Articles

See Also:

Principality of Falloway
Fallowin Languages, History of Falloway, Culture of Falloway, Politics of Falloway, Demographics of Falloway
Fallowin Peninsula
Dusk Mountains, Olcairdh Sea


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