Guk'shir Character in Theras | World Anvil


Guk'shir is a powerful Lich that is living Holy State of Aluda'ar in the northen glacier, secluded, only to be sought by adventurers and people that seek his advice, since many fathom that if he was once a Judge of Aluda'ar, then he must not be evil - a statement that isn't entirely true, for he values his seclusion and have many minions that sometimes work for the good of the Holy state.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life
Once upon a time, in the Codquet Ice Fields, there lived a young man named Arin. Arin was a kind and just person, beloved by all who knew him. He lived a simple life as a scholar, studying the magic of the elements and the forces of nature.   Arin was a great mage of own power, who had commited many of his long hours to diplomacy with The Bafigron Empire. He was a servant of Oghma. One day, Arin received word that his beloved, the Princess Lirien of The Bafigron Empire, was in grave danger. She was abducted to the dark and sinister kingdom far to the east of Sofel. Arin set out at once to save her, not caring for the danger to himself.   When Arin arrived at Sofel, he was shocked to find that the princess was not in danger, but was instead living in luxury as one of the Kagiam's concubine. Heartbroken, Arin confronted the princess, who told him that she no longer loved him and had instead fallen for the Kagiam's wealth and power - as it was also her duty for the Empire.   Arin was devastated. He felt as though his heart had been ripped from his chest. He could not bear the thought of living without his love, and so he made a vow to take vengeance against the Empire and the princess who had betrayed him.  
Turn to the Dark
In the year 68 AB, after his consumption of several demon and devil souls, along with a Shadow dragon, he managed to find Lichdom,, and thus he changed his name to Guk'shir, which the sages speculate that mean: "Sidious one". And so, Arin began to study the dark arts of necromancy, learning how to raise the dead and control the forces of the underworld. He became a lich, an undead being with immense power and an unquenchable thirst for revenge.   For a thousand years, Arin roamed the land, seeking to destroy the Empire and all those who had wronged him. He raised an army of the undead, and they marched across the land, laying waste to everything in their path through Grand Duchy of Albiril, where she was once a part of the Empire, and not only vassals with the sort of autonamy that had since the 10th century at the year 343 AB.   In the end, however, Arin realized that his quest for vengeance had only brought him emptiness and despair. He had become a monster, reviled by all and feared by even the bravest of heroes. And so, he vanished into the darkness, never to be seen again, his once-good heart consumed by the very evil he had sought to destroy.   Only then, once he almost had done crossing Hobbitland into the lands of Northshire.   Many speculate what happened to him that he had a change of heart, there at Northshire.  
Life as a Judge
It is said, Guk'shir was approached by an Avatar of She'eros, once an undead horde, raised by Garyx who came back to life, has begun to plague both militarly and with several sicknesses and plagues that were aided by Ella'li. IT is not known why Guk'shir, had accepted the terms of the God of Paladins, however, few can refuse a god. Guk'shir with his expertise on the matter of undeath, had alot of difficulty convincing the Aluda'arin people to listen to him and few even fought him actively. He had many experiments and researches to find cure and fight the undeads of Falazure and destuction of Garyx. Only by the year 1,012, he finally managed to thrawt off all attempts of the Aluda'arin and finally for three year, had successfully managed to handle the troubles of that time.
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
32 AB 1019 Years old
Aligned Organization


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