Elevated House Brevoii Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Elevated House Brevoii

Elevated House Brevoii, is a menedynn originated minor house in Arasil.   This house is settled in an important regional junction, known as the 7-Tinal-Gabel (Fork), that is important to the whole security of the Kingdom of Arasil. This house is the border between the authority of the knights of Arasil and the rest of the North.   The Elevated House recoginze the gods of the Narsilian Pantheon.

Public Agenda

The Brevosi, are rigid house that got the mandate to operate on behalf of the interest of mostly The Guilds of Arasil while also considering the economical sanctions and military influence of The Silver Chalice.


the kingdom of Brevoii was known for its beautiful landscapes and powerful noble houses - The Brevosi were a powerful family of sorcerers, who had a knack for dabbling in forbidden magic. They built their house using ancient magic and it had the ability to change its layout to suit the needs of its inhabitants. The house had secret passages, hidden rooms and could even shift its structure to hide from unwanted visitors.   The Brevosi were powerful holy people of various gods and each generation, they had the custom to change religion via many plots and conspiracies. The Brevosi used their magic to host grand parties for the elite of Brevoii and to entertain foreign dignitaries. But behind closed doors, they were also using the house's magic for darker purposes, experimenting with necromancy and summoning demons.   However, the Swordlords of Aldorii were a constant thorn in their sides, not because of their own standing against necromancy, but of the an ancient feud for medicinal resources that were required in The Limbo Plague, where they discovered the intense connection with the feywild can cure The Limbo Plague.   In the year 1050 AB, the house Brevoii, came almost to clashes with Swordlords of Aldorii, a minor house at best. This had become so, as the Swordlords again want to independence from Arasil.
Founding Date
497 AB
Power Structure
Semi-autonomous area
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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