Carina Void

The Carina Void is a large area of space located in the Carina galaxy.   Although most starships that fly through the Carina Void make it out the other side, there has been, historically, an alarmingly large number of ships lost with all hands within the Void. This area of space has been named the 'void' for this reason.   To this day, the Hyperion Federation is still unsure what is causing the lost ships despite the HF sending fully equipped military forces multiple times. Even starships in the same formation do not understand what happens. This is because their QECs are decoherence-jammed every time. Because of this, however, they have eventually declared the entire area of space an exclusion zone. Currently, only non-sentient drones are allowed to pass into the area. Even Freelancers have been lost.     Spoiler
The real cause is a self-replicating AI that resides within the area. It has never left the area, but is capable of decoherence-jamming the HF starships, only to seed itself inside the ship. It will then fight the crew using its weapons and vastly superior speed. Once the ship is taken over, it is dismantled it for matter and energy. This results in the deathts of all crew members.Because of this AI, many stars and planets have been completely mined out. As a result, there are only few stars remining.
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