Delta Osrea System

The home system of the Trevan Alliance, a member nation of the Hyperion Federation.   The class G star is named Delta Orsea a and the class B star is named Delta Orsea b. The Delta Orsea system is a binary system between a class G star and a very bright class B star. The trevan homeworld, Sinus, orbits the class G star and is the 3rd world from the star. It is very possible to see Delta Orsea b (the class B star) from Sinus with the naked eye, sometimes even at day. Of course, the trevans have defended the system effectively, placing large numbers of defence platforms in various orbits in case an enemy would somehow end up this deep in HF territory. They also exploit the system for resources, for example, star lifting both the stars and mining the many worlds located here.
Star System
Location under
Included Locations
Owning Organization


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