Delta Caeli Defence Platform 48-EN

A defence platform that the Alti Dominion managed to construct in the Delta Caeli System.   The defence platform is armed with a large array of powerful weapons, all of which are [TDD boosted. It is well known that taking this down would be a difficult task to every other faction. It is also equipped with a fighter compliment and missiles allowing it to strike targets at longer ranges. Other factions decided to only engage it when most other Alti forces are removed from the system.   Before this decision was made, several attacks have been attempted on the station. Sometimes this involved their own long range strikes such as torpedoes (which would be intercepted) and even Subspatial Starship strikes. The Dominion built it in orbit around a gas giant. As they collect hydrogen from the gas giant, they use it to power the stations on board fusion reactors. Using this method, the station can stay online for near-eternity even when blockaded. This was discovered by Republic of Miasi when they attempted a blockade of this gas giant and the platform remained functioning.
Orbital, Station
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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