Delta Caeli System

Neutron star in the Arcturus galaxy.   Delta Caeli has been known to be claimed by several factions, but falls under a no mans land. Although the Anagon Technocracy, Alti Dominion and Republic of Miasi near-constantly vie over it, none have yet managed to push other powers out entirely. The Anagons mainly want to occupy the star itself, which they can inhabit. The other factions want to exploit it for scientific and extremely dense resources.   No Arcturus faction (except the Anagon Technocracy) have the technology to utilise QCD matter, but want to obtain it. These factions can also exploit resources that can be found on some planets orbiting the neutron star. In some, incredibly rare, cases, magnetic monopoles have been found on some planets in exotic ore.   Delta Caeli also emits large amounts of gamma radiation, like most neutron stars, at its poles. This is a rarely encountered, but still very real hazard to space forces fighting over it.   Although the neutron star emits almost no light, and thus all worlds in the system are very cold and entirely devoid of light, it is still possible to colonise them. The inhabitants must in this case live inside large, sealed off buildings with lights. These sorts of habitats are dangerous, but are nesessary to exploit the valuable ore (including magnetic monopoles) of these worlds.


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