Delta Caeli VII

A planetin the Delta Caeli System.   This planet is currently under ocupation by the Alti Dominion, despite the rest of the system being fiercely fought over.   Delta Caeli VII contains no magnetic monopoles, but is still valuable to the dominion because they use it as a forward stagiong ground from which they launch many of their military operations in the system. The Dominion captured it when it was closest to their territory. The planet has a large orbital radius and thus also a long orbital period. As it orbited the system, it fell closer to other faction territory. The Alti Dominion constructed various defence platforms orbiting the station, defending the world from outside attacks. The dominion also used shipyards orbiting the world to launch assaults on enemy positions. Due to this, various other factions have attempted assaults on the world, all of which would fail. They have weakened the platforms, though.   The planet is extremely cold but houses a small popluation in various habitats. Although it is extremely dark and cold outside the habitats, it is often safer because of the very weak geological activity. Due to being extremely cold, the core is entirely frozen. The Alti Dominion is yet to expoit this as they dont have core extraction technology. It is rich in common metals such as iron and nickel, though contains few rare metals like gold.
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