Delta Caeli IV

A planet in the Delta Caeli System.   Delta Caeli IV is a large, solid planet comprised mainly of rock and glacial ice. It is extremely cold because its parent star emits almsot no light. It has an extremely thin atmosphere, formed by sublimation of ice. Due to its large size, it also features a strong gravitational field. Delta Caeli IV also is known to contain trace amounts of exotic ore with a small magnetic monopole content deep in the mantle of the planet. Although this doesnt noticeably impact the magnetic field of the planet, these can be detected from orbit with specilised, high power sensors.   Although it takes a lot of energy to extract monopoles form ore, as well as the energy required to extract the ore, this planet has a high value anyway due to the scientific and technological utilities of monopoles. The planet is also known to have a very large rotational velocity. This can make it difficult to land on a precise area with starships.   Although there is little metal ore on the world, the system is heavily fought over. Wreckages from a number of battles have ended up falling into this planets gravitational field, so there are wreckages on the surface that can be recycled for resources.No faction has managed to construct stations orbiting this world without them being destroyed shortly after. This is because all attempts to always swiftly capture the attention of other factions who immediately launch attacks.
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