Delta Orsea System

The home system of the Trevan Alliance, a member nation of the Hyperion Federation. The Delta Orsea sysetm is a binary star system.   The class G star is named Delta Orsea A and the class B star is named Delta Orsea B. The Delta Orsea system is a binary system between a class G star and a very bright class B star. The trevan homeworld, Sinus, orbits the class G star and is the 3rd world from the star. It is very possible to see Delta Orsea B (the class B star) from Sinus with the naked eye, sometimes even at day. Of course, the trevans have defended the system effectively, placing large numbers of defence platforms in various orbits in case an enemy would somehow end up this deep in HF territory. They also exploit the system for resources, for example, star lifting both the stars and mining the many worlds located here.   The Trevan Alliance would explore their home system, Delta Orsea A, before exploring Delta Orsea B. After their nuclear war and re-introduction to space travel, they would recolonise several worlds nearby. Only one colony seemed to have survived, but the fact thatone colony survived was amazing to the discoverers. The culture of that world was so different it was almost alien to them - and their language drifted enough to become near unrecognisable to the original Sinus society, but they successfully established contact with them. Both sides had a war which ended in a decisive Trevan Alliance victory, and they reclaimed their long lost colony.    After Delta Orsea A was colonised, the obvious next step was to colonise Delta Orsea B. They have yet to make contact with any alien species at this point, but used their highly powerful orion drives to reach this new system. This method of travel would take a ship to relativistic speeds so the Delta Orsea B colony was set up quite fast. As the trevans themselves would not withstand the extreme acceleration of the orion drive detonating, they were placed in cryopods for the duration of the trip. This measure continued until the Trevan Alliance developed FTL which was well after both star systems were fully colonised.
Star System
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Included Locations
Owning Organization


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