
Agnah is a massive female Silver Dragon that lives in the heart of the Benarden Clan territory of Colo. She is a huge dragon, more than 90' from nose to tail and has a wingspan of 75'. Conservative estimates put her weight at 25,000 lbs.   Agnah lives very close to the Colian village of Owwanul (Colian for apple river). She has maintained a close relationship with the people of Owwanul for more than 150 years, regularly visiting the village and offering counsel, advice and guidance to the people of the region whenever it was needed. When time have gotten rough for the villagers, she has gifted precious Dragon Oil to them to help them.  She routinely offers portions of her shed hide every time she molts (about every 30 months), and this gift is especially valuable as it is a rare and much sought resource for armor material.   Agnah is the name given to her by the locals near her lair, but in her youth she was known as Sofiaxus (a Human pronunciation of her Draconic name).  Sofiaxus means wise one in Draconic and Agnah is the Old Colian word for wisdom.  She is famous for her sage and honest counsel and has made numerous predictions to the people of Owwanul that have been remarkably accurate over the last century.   Agnah lives on a ridge of steep and rocky hills that stretch through the heart of Benarden territory and has made it her primary responsibility to keep the people of the region safe from roving bands of Mountain Giants that frequent the same area.  In fact, some locals have speculated that Mountain Giant is her preferred source of protien, but this is not the truth.  Agnah is particularly fond of Human food, especially dishes containing fresh-water fish or snails.  She also dearly loves perry, or pear cider, that is locally made in large quantities every summer.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Agnah has sometimes referenced her mate, Ikerios, and it is known that he has died (or was killed) because he has never been seen and Agnah has never been known to have had any young during the century and a half that she has lived in the Owwanul valley.  The only time she is reticent in her communication with Humans is when she is asked about Ikerios.


Family Ties

About once every three years, on a schedule that is not entirely understood, Agnah is visited by two other large Silver Dragons.  These creatures are her oldest surviving offspring.  The oldest is her first daughter, called Sowrah or Summer in Old Colian.  The other is her youngest son, Gower or Goat in the local dialect (named for his favorite roast meat).  Their Draconic names are not known.


Agnah is known to speak perfect Colian, Caldarian, Junnharic, Gnomish and Thallian.  She seems to also know Arian, as some of her precious books and manuscripts are written in Arian.

Wealth & Financial state

Agnah has a large horde in an antechamber of her lair that is full of the finest Human-crafted jewelry, art and statuary for hundreds of miles in any direction.  She is proud of her horde, and while she doesn't allow anything to be removed, she is very willing to display it to those who wish to see.  Amongst the horde are 71 rare and precious tomes of great value and beauty on various topics, ranging from healing and medicine to arcane magical knowledge.  She has a particularly large collection of coinage from nearly every corner of the known world.  Even conservative estimates place the horde's total weight in precious metals at more than 600 lbs.
Current Location
Current Residence
Near Owwanul, Colo
Aligned Organization