Rodin III Argoni

His Serene Highness, Prince Rodin III Argoni

Rodin III was born Rubin Argoni on December 9, 189 AF, the second son of Prince Rodin II. His older brother, Rodin, died at the age of 15 while racing horses along the sea cliffs near Soth. With his death, Rubin became Rodin and took the title of heir apparent. He was crowned Prince of Fangort on March 1, 213 AF.  As the reigning Prince, he is also the Head of the Royal House of Argoni.   Rodin has a particularly close relationship with Mak II of Lesser Imesse. He has a difficult relationship with Tessian, King of Aria, and will have no contact with Max III at all. He has 11 children and is married to Lia Synesius, the daughter of one of the richest merchants in all the world.

Mental characteristics

Failures & Embarrassments

Rodin caught one of his mistresses, a beauty named Sybilia Danalli, falling in love with a palace guard named Avrios Kryoni. He flew into a rage that forced the guard to steal the woman away and take her to places unknown. Rodin has spent tens of thousands of marques to find the two lovers, but to no avail. He has a standing bounty of 50,000 marques to any man that can bring Sybilia back to Solir, and another 50,000 marques to anyone that can bring Avrios' head to the Prince.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

Rodin loves his children more than his own life, and would do anything to ensure their safety should danger threaten.

Vices & Personality flaws

Rodin is a womanizer of the first order.  He maintains multiple mistresses both inside and outside of the palace and is less than discreet about conducting his affairs.


Family Ties

Rodin's mother is Eve Carrel, the daughter of King Marcel II and sister to King Marcel III, making him the first cousin to King Tessian Carrel of Aria. Even with this close familial tie, Rodin and Tessian do not get along, personally or politically.   Rodin's paternal grandmother was Grace Maxalli, the sister of King Maxin am Maxalli of Imesse, making him a distant cousin to both Max III and Mak II of Imesse.  Rodin maintains an excellent rapore with Mak, but will not speak or communicate with Max at all.   Rodin has eleven children with his wife, Lia Synesius. The oldest is 26 while the youngest is 2.


Rodin III Argoni


Towards Lia Synesius


Lia Synesius


Towards Rodin III Argoni


Wealth & Financial state

Rodin is one of the wealthiest men in the world, even amongst the ruling elite.  He gains a staggering income every year by selling the rights to certain monopolies across the Principality, including the monopolies on diamond mining, fine textiles, warship designs and construction, exotic fish roe exports, sailcloth production and whale oil exports.  These fees bring into his personal coffers a staggering 250,000 gold marques every year.
Lia Synesius (Wife)
Current Residence
Maranosic Faith
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations