Caleb Stronghand

Lord Commander Caleb Stronghand

Caleb Stronghand is the current Lord Commander of the Citadel for the Dwarven Legions of Thorahl. He is a 202-year-old Dwarf and a veteran leader of Legionaries of 74 years.   Caleb is a distant cousin of the Earl Blackbeard, but his connections with The Blackbeard does not detract from his very real abilities. He is a superb tactician and a master of logistics and planning.  Caleb has served his entire military career within the Citadel, and knows the fortress to its smallest stone.

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

Caleb has become rather famous for his use of a specialized sword.  During the Ten Winter War while on a protracted and difficult march through the Nordarak Mountains, Caleb found himself forced to use a customized long sword, on which a double-headed war axe was attached to the pommel of the sword.  He became so adept at using this weapon against Orcs that he was allowed to continue to use it even after the war was over and his Legion returned to Thorahl.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In 62 AF, at the age of 31, Caleb listed with the Legions of Thorahl as a half-pay Legionaire.  His fist assignment was to the Citadel, and he has remained at the Citadel for the last 171 years.   In 108 AF, Caleb's Citadel Legion was marched south the assist in the fight against the Great Orc Invasion of Aria.  He spent the next 8 years marching with his Legion, first as a Sergeant and then as a brevet Captain at the end of the campaign, fighting nearly constantly against the Orcs.  He won for himself and his Legion great honors and his reputation as a fighter, a leader and a tactician grew with each year.
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Currently Held Titles
Aligned Organization