Connor Rest

Captain of the Watch Connor Rest (a.k.a. Blackjack)

Connor Rest is the 25-year-old Adjunct Captain of the Company of Dragoon Guards for the City of Rolar.  He is an eager and energetic officer in the City Guards, and has shown a remarkable ability to think outside the box in many instances.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Connor was raised by Eldora Fey, the owner of the Pony's Rest Inn in the Town of Thorn. He was abandoned by unknown parents and brought up within the Inn. Connor was one of the first of many, many orphans that Eldora raised at the Inn.   At age 16, he listed with a Regiment of Dragoons at Rolar, and has risen through the ranks to become Adjunct Captain with the Rolar Company of Dragoon Guards.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Thanks in part to the education gained through Eldora Fey's raising him, Connor has had a meteoric start to his military career.

Intellectual Characteristics

Connor is utterly devoted to Eldora.  With no memory of his father and only knowing his mother abandoned him with strangers, he knows his life as literally saved by Eldora.  He would do anything to protect her, and if he can help her in any capacity, he will.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

Connor is so thankful to Eldora for all she has done for him that he took the surname "Rest" in honor of her inn, where he spent his childhood.


Family Ties

While not related by blood, Connor loves Eldora Fey as his mother and the woman who saved his life.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Circumstances of Birth
Abandoned as a child
Parents (Adopting)
Aligned Organization