Entrance Hall of Thorahl

The Entrance Hall is the actual entrance into the City from the Gates.  From this Hall, visitors and residents access the many roads and paths that lead to the many areas and districts of the City.  Some of these areas are accessible only to Blackbeard Dwarves and residents of Thorahl, while others are open to any visitors or traders.  Access to the City is determined and shown by badges issued at the Entrance Hall that are worn around the neck of those people that are not established residents.   The Hall is 90' long and 60' wide and reaches a height of 60' at its peak, and there are dozens of stalls, stairs and doorways leading to many various official rooms for the provisioning, defense and daily operation of Thorahl.  There are also three large, 20' roads leading to the primary sections of the City proper, two going to the Warehouse Districts, and the third leading north into the Residential Districts.
Room, Corridor, Junction
Parent Location
Owning Organization