Northgate District

The Northgate District is the northern access point to the underground sections of the City of Thorahl, as well as the surrounding community that exists above ground.  The Northgate is located exactly five miles from the main entrance to the City at the Citadel of Thorahl on the north face of the mountain.  It is approached by a wide, clear road of packed gravel and cobbles that leads away from the gates and downhill towards the border with the County of Raymor.   The actual gatehouse and fortifications of Northgate consist of a massive 80' bastion tower that flanks the main gate.  A smaller tower complex allows access to a long road wall that gives archers and defenders a vantage on any approaching enemy force while they are protected by a stout stone wall.  The entire fortress is flanked by two 80' watchtowers giving an extensive view of the road leading to the fortress.  The gate itself is 30' wide, 24' tall and is 20' deep, secured by three iron-banded oak gates and portcullis.  The bastion can keep and equip 100 Legionaries for an entire month, and the adjoining barracks and shops can house and feed another 400 for the same period.   Outside of the fortress is a growing community of farmers and traders doing brisk and profitable business with the County of Raymor.  There are two large inns, several large warehouses, farriers and wagon shops and a very large fenced stockyard where any numbeer of livestock can be accomodated while being delivered either to or from Thorahl.  The total population of the community is just over 1,900 people, most of whom live within a three mile walk of the fortress.

Purpose / Function

Northgate is the northern entrance to the City of Thorahl and the community that has grown up around it.  It is the primary defense for the entrance and a busy port of entry, as well.


The gate itself is a high arched entrance with two huge iron-banded oak portcullises and a single set of solid oak doors.  There is a large bastion flanking the gate to the east, while on the west side of the approach road is a raised wall and walk where defenders can pour down missile fire on any advancing enemy from cover.  Two tall towers flank the gatehouse on each side, giving a commanding view of the road coming up the slope.


The main tower of the gatehouse can house and equip 400 Legionaires for an entire month, and the rest of the fortress can do the same for another 400 Legionaires.  The walls and towers are all stocked with multiple types of ballista and catapult projectiles, as well as barrels of quicklime and pine tar that can be used against attacks at the walls and gates themselves.  There are at least three Cos of Legionaires manning the gates at all times, and in times of war or crisis, that number can go up to eight Cos.  There is also a full Company of Cavalry for road patrols and scouting of the northern regions of the district.
A view of the Northgate entrance to the City of Thorahl
Parent Location
Owning Organization