Fulman am Bondari

Baron Fulman am Bondari

Fulman am Bondari was the Baron of Cyell and the oldest brother of the current Baron, Fulton am Bondari.  He was Baron from 192 AF until his death in 213 AF, and he was succeeded by his brother Willmar am Bondari.   Fulman was a born leader of men, and was a popular Baron amongst his vassals and peers.  He was a capable soldier, an accomplished tournament competitor and was months away from marrying a new wife when he was tragically killed in battle.  In 213 AF, Fulman was leading a full seven Companies of Foot and two Companies of Lancers into Colo under the leadership of Torum am Nari at the Battle of Nyallshold.  In the first crush of battle, Fulman was moving his men and horses into battle lines after the first combat had been initiated.  He was hit with an arrow that pierced down his shoulder and into his chest, but continued to rally and command his troops into a formation that would allow them a chance to break out of the ambush they were in.  The next volley of arrows killed his mount, and as he struggled to his feet and drew his sword another arrow pierced his right thigh to the bone.  Unable to walk, or even stand, Fulman was helpless when the next wave of Colians swept down into the Imessian ranks.  He died there on the side of the Colian road, and his body was never recovered.



192 AF - 213 AF

Family Ties

Married at a young age to a Cyell nobleman's daughter, they tried numerous times to have a child, but during the last pregnancy, complications arose and she died in 205 AF.  Fulman was engaged to marry a daughter of the Ohnni family in the fall of 213, but died before the wedding.
44 at his death
Date of Death
May 31, 213
169 AF 213 AF 44 years old
Circumstances of Death
Dead at Battle of Nyallshold
Place of Death
Nyallshold, Colo
Current Residence
Body never recovered
Pantheon of Heaven
Aligned Organization