Willmar am Bondari

Baron Willmar am Bondari

Willmar am Bondari was the Baron of Cyell and the older brother of the current Baron Fulton am Bondari. He succeeded to the title upon the death of his older brother, Fulman am Bondari in 213 AF at the Battle of Nyallshold.   Willmar was with his brother in Colo at the Battle of Nyallshold, but was unaware of his brother's death until two days later. He assumed control of the Barony forces that remained after the battle, and led them south to a rally point at the Colo-Imesse border. Knowing it was too late to return to the battlefield and try and recover his brother's remains, he was granted a furlough and returned to Cyell with the tragic news. There, he was officially recognized as the new Baron of Cyell. He named his brother, Fulton, as his new heir as he had no wife or children of his own, and appointed him the new commander of barony forces in the war effort.   Then, in 215 AF, the Duke of Hekmo Turl am Nari called for the raising of another army to invade Cobal across the The Manisar River. With the bulk of his active troops with Fulton in Colo and the north, Willmar raised another four Companies of Lancers and crossed the frontier into Cobal with Hekmo. During the retreat, at a small river ford outside the City of Elimar, the fleeing army was again attacked by Cobalian forces at great cost. While trying to lead his remaining forces to safety, Willmar was surrounded by a detatchment of Dragoons and cut down. Nearly half of the Lancers he was riding with were also killed or captured.   His body was later recovered and returned to Cyell and his family.


213 AF - 215 AF
44 at his death
Date of Death
September 4th
171 AF 215 AF 44 years old
Circumstances of Death
Died in battle
Place of Death
Elimar, Cobal
Current Residence
Buried at Cyell
Pantheon of Heaven
Aligned Organization