Sabine Toricki (tore-riky)

Her Majesty, Queen Dowager Sabine Maxalli- Toricki

Sabine Toricki was the wife and queen of Max II, High King of All Imesse, and is the mother of Max III, the current High King of Imesse. She was the only daughter of Emory am Toricki, who was Baron of Beldoah at the time of her birth and was the grandfather of the current Baron, Hal am Toricki. This makes Sabine the paternal aunt of Hal.   Sabine was married to Max II in 215 AF when she was 17 years old, and he was 42. Their only child was Max III, and she was a very cold and controlling mother to the young prince. When her husband died suddenly at 55 years of age, she was placed into the position of regent until her son reached the age of 16.  Sabine is obsessed with finding a suitable wife for the young High King. As the Queen Mother, she feels it is her responsibility (and hers alone) to find and arrange this match, and she will allow no interference from anyone in the process, including her own son.   Due to a heated argument with her son, Sabine is recently banished from all court appearances and government meetings. She has taken her entire household with her to stay with the Duke of Hekmo in his castle.

Personality Characteristics


Sabine is focused on maintaining a strong level of control on her son's affairs. She is nearly obsessed with arranging a "suitable" marriage for the young King, and she refuses to let anyone else meddle in the arrangements, including her son.  She has been known to fall into a rage whenever her son the High King refuses to allow her into his presence... something that has been happening more and more often over the last several months.

Likes & Dislikes

Sabine has determined that the best suited bride for her son is Marion Maxalli, the only legitimate daughter of the Grand Baron Maklin am Maxalli. Sabine is convinced that the future wife of her son needs to come from the north of Imesse, but Marion is all but promised to the son of the Baron of Wennick Gaylen am Frigani. She is also significantly older than Max, but this does not concern Sabine, since she was all of 25 years her husband's junior when they wed. Max is absolutely against this possibility, however, and it is this disagreement that has caused Sabine to be banished from her son's court.   Another possible choice she is considering is one of the daughters of Prince Rodin III Argoni of Fangort, especially his daughter Rea Argoni who is only a few years older than her son and of suitable royal descent.

Vices & Personality flaws

It is quietly rumored that Sabine is in love with Turl am Nari. She has never admitted this, and the Duke is quite attached to his current wife, Sara Waldegrave, so there is no way to confirm this rumor. What is known is that she desperately wishes there was a Nari daughter that her son could marry, but Turl has only sons.


Contacts & Relations

Sabine dotes on everything the Duke of Hekmo says or does, but that cannot be said of anyone else she has any contact with.  She has an extremely hostile relationship with Mak II, her son's cousin.  She is also openly hostile to any suggestion that her son should have any say whatsoever in the matter of his marriage.  Especially if it is suggested that Lillian Borri be considered as a possible match.

Family Ties

Sabine's father was the Baron of Beldoah, and he had four sons before having Sabine. At the year of Sabine's birth, the oldest son was 30 years older than his sister, and had already fathered the first two of his five boys. The oldest of these children (Sabine's nephews) was Hal am Toricki, and he is the current Baron of Beldoah after the death of his father in the war with Colo 16 years before today.  Her brother is Sandor am Toricki, the Lord High Constable of Imesse and one of the more influential members of her son's court.


Max II


Towards Sabine Toricki

Sabine Toricki


Towards Max II

Wealth & Financial state

Sabine, because of the money left her by her dead husband, is amazingly wealthy.  Her own personal worth is far in excess of 30,000 guilders (12 million USD).
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Queen Dowager
Max II (spouse)
Current Residence
Pantheon of Heaven
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations