Shire of Mill Run

The Shire of Mill Run is a division of the Ward of Elisar.  It is the farthest north and farthest west of all the communities in the Ward, and while it is also the least populated, it is without a doubt the best defended.   The Sheriff of the Shire is Amos Cobb, a 60-year-old Human that has helped raise and train three full Companies of Rangers and three full Scout Companies.  The shire has no dedicated Dragoons assigned to it, but Amos has paid to have two of the Scout Companies equipped with the finest ponies available, so that they can more readily and rapidly respond to a need anywhere in the shire.  His patrol and watch schedules are calculated so that no stretch of the shire's borders are "un-watched" for more than one hour.
Geopolitical, County / March
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Notable Members