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The wider Theron region containing, West Theron, the Black Coast, the Great Plains, Eldorath and Noordcross

Theron is a geographic region located on the continent of Orynthia, often referred to as the "Eastern Continent" by those in the Namorian Republic. This historically rich land is bordered by the Great Ocean Ocean to the west, the impassable Thrymbarth mountain range to the east, the Kingdom of Set to the south, and the Gulf of Karida to the north. As of 345 RE, Theron is a fragmented realm, characterized by political divisions and strife.



  • West Theron - West Theron is the westernmost part of the region, known for its silver-rich coast and historical capital, Old Harran. The coast's terrain is rugged, with cliffs and rocky shores. The city of Old Harran, once the heart of Theron under the reign of King Brennus, is now tentatively controlled by the Namorian Republic.
  • The Great Plains - The Great Plains extend through the central area of Theron. This area consists of vast grasslands, ideal for agriculture and grazing. It is often considered the breadbasket of Theron, producing various grains and foodstuffs.
  • Noordcross - Noordcross is situated in the northeastern part of Theron. Known for its dense forests and mild climate, Noordcross is rich in timber and game. The people of Noordcross are considered rugged and independent, with a history of resisting central control.
  • Eldorath - Eldorath lies to the east of Theron and is characterized by rolling hills and fertile valleys. The people of Eldaroth are known for their iron craftsmanship and artistry, particularly in the creation of jewelry and fine textiles.
  • Black Coast - To the north, against the Gulf, of Karida is a series of “Free Cities”, which are now known for their maritime trade and relatively autonomous governance. These cities have a unique culture influenced by trade and interaction with the Kingdom of Karida across the gulf.

Natural Resources

Theron is culturally diverse, with each of its regions having distinct traditions, languages, and crafts. The economy is varied, with West Theron known for its silver mines, The Great Plains for agriculture, Noordcross for timber, and Eldaroth for ironwork and stone craftsmanship. The Free Cities in the north are bustling trade hubs, facilitating commerce across the Karidan Gulf.


Theron was historically unified under the monarchy, with the King of Theron serving as the head of state. The last king, Brennus, died without a clear heir in 325 RE, leading to fragmentation and political instability. Various regions and cities have since vied for power and autonomy, and as of 345 RE, the land remains divided.   As of 345 RE, Theron is in a period of political uncertainty and division. The various regions are either asserting their independence or, in the case of West Theron, are under the influence of foreign powers such as the Namorian Republic. The land's future remains uncertain as regional leaders and external forces continue to vie for control and influence.


The Encyclopaedia
Divines, Spirits and their Realms
The Atlas
Chronicle of War
The Almanac

Articles under Theron

Cover image: by tarkinlarson using MidJourney


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