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The capital of Noordcross

Tarnvik is the capital city of Noordcross, a region in the northeastern part of the former Kingdom of Theron. It is the seat of power for the King of Noordcross and serves as the cultural, economic, and political hub for the Fjordlander people. The city is strategically located along the banks of the River Tarn, which flows into one of the region's many fjords. Tarnvik is renowned for its natural beauty, historical significance, and as a centre of trade.



As the capital city of Noordcross and a vital trade hub, Tarnvik boasts a diverse population with a rich blend of cultures and ethnicities.
  • Fjordlanders - Making up about 70% of Tarnvik’s population, the Fjordlander are the indigenous people of Noordcross. Known for their maritime and hunting skills, they have a deep connection to the land and the sea. Their culture is deeply rooted in ancient traditions, and they are known for their colorful festivals and affinity for storytelling and music.
  • Theronites - Theronites constitute around 10% of the population. Most of them settled in Tarnvik during the era when Noordcross was part of the Kingdom of Theron. They are generally involved in trade, and some have intermingled with the Fjordlanders over the generations.
  • Karidans - Approximately 8% of Tarnvik’s population are Karidans from the Kingdom of Karida to the northwest. They are often seen as a noble and stoic people, and are renowned for their martial skills. Many Karidan Knights travel through Noordcross, and some have taken up residence in Tarnvik.
  • Eldorathi - The Eldorathi, hailing from the region of Eldorath to the south, make up about 5% of the population. They are known for their knowledge of herbal medicines and are often engaged in the trade of exotic herbs and spices.
  • Black Coast Mariners - Around 4% of the population comprises Black Coast Mariners from the Black Coast Free States. As seasoned sailors and traders, they are commonly found near the docks and the Market of the North, engaged in trading goods from across the seas.
  • Namorians and Other Ethnicities - The remaining 3% of Tarnvik’s population is made up of a mix of individuals from various parts of the world. Namorian are rare, but their ships occasionally dock in Tarnvik for trade. There are also individuals from distant lands beyond Orynthia, who bring with them a diversity of languages, customs, and goods.


Tarnvik is governed by a centralized monarchical system, with King Rylar as the supreme authority. However, the governance in Tarnvik is also characterized by a certain level of local autonomy and a strong noble class.
  • Monarch - As the capital city of Noordcross, Tarnvik falls directly under the rule of King Rylar. The king's edicts and decrees are binding, and his word is the highest authority.
  • Council of Elders - The Council of Elders, comprising influential Fjordlander chieftains and nobles, plays a significant advisory role to the king. Though not a legislative body, their opinions and recommendations carry weight, especially on matters concerning local traditions and customs.
  • Royal Administrators - The day-to-day affairs are handled by Royal Administrators appointed by the king. They manage taxation, civil services, and the implementation of laws and policies.
  • City Watch- Tarnvik’s City Watch is responsible for maintaining law and order within the city. It is commanded by a Captain of the Watch, who reports directly to the king.

Laws and Taxation

Laws in Tarnvik are a combination of royal decrees and ancient Fjordlander customs. The king can issue new laws, but traditionally the Fjordlander customs are respected and integrated into the legal framework.   Taxation is a significant aspect of Tarnvik’s governance. There are tariffs on goods coming through the port and the Great Northern Road, as well as land taxes for properties within the city. Revenue generated from these taxes is used to maintain public services, defense, and infrastructure.

Guilds and Factions

  • The Fjordlander Clans - The indigenous Fjordlander Clans are a powerful faction within Tarnvik. They hold great influence over the Council of Elders and are staunch defenders of their traditions.
  • The Merchants' Guild - The Merchants' Guild is an organization of traders and businessmen who have a significant stake in Tarnvik’s economy. They lobby for favorable trade policies and seek to expand Tarnvik's trading connections.
  • The Karidan Enclave - The Karidan Enclave is a community of Karidan Knights and their families residing in Tarnvik. They are highly respected for their martial skills and often assist in defending the city from external threats.
  • The Brotherhood of the Sea - Comprising sailors, fishermen, and Black Coast Mariners, the Brotherhood of the Sea is an informal faction focused on maritime interests. They are protectors of the seas and are considered essential to Tarnvik’s fishing and trading industry.
  • The Order of Eldorathi Herbalists - A smaller faction, this group consists of Eldorathi herbalists and alchemists. They are sought after for their knowledge of herbs and medicines and have a small but influential presence in the city.


Tarnvik's history dates back to around 300 BRE (Before Republic Era) when it was founded by early Fjordlander settlers. The strategic location along the River Tarn made it a natural choice for a settlement.   During the reign of the Kings of Theron, Tarnvik served as a ducal seat and a key trading post. The construction of the Tarn Bridge in 75 BRE enhanced its role in regional trade.   The city played a significant role during the unrest following the death of King Brennus in 325 RE. When Lord Rylar of House Rygard successfully quelled the revolt in Noordcross, Tarnvik’s populace was amongst the most vocal supporters for Rylar’s elevation to kingship.   In 326 RE, Rylar proclaimed himself King of Noordcross and Tarnvik became the capital of the newly-established kingdom. Since then, it has seen a resurgence in cultural expression and economic growth as the Fjordlanders embrace their newfound autonomy.

Points of interest

  • The Royal Hall of Tarnvik - The seat of the King of Noordcross, this imposing fortress is located on a cliff overlooking the fjord. Its ancient halls are adorned with tapestries and artifacts from Noordcross's history.
  • The Tarn Bridge - An architectural marvel and a symbol of Tarnvik’s prosperity, the bridge connects the two sides of the city across the River Tarn.
  • Fjord of Whispers - Just outside the city, this fjord is said to have echoing properties, where one can hear whispers when speaking near the water. It is a popular spot for both locals and tourists.
  • The Market of the North - This bustling market is the hub of trade in Tarnvik, where merchants from across the region and beyond come to trade goods ranging from fish and furs to rare mountain herbs and Karidan artifacts.
  • The Ancestor Woods - A forest located to the north of Tarnvik, it is believed to be enchanted. The locals often claim that the spirits of the ancestors dwell there, and druids conduct rituals among the ancient trees.


Tarnvik is situated at the confluence of the River Tarn and the Fjord of Whispers. The city stretches along the banks of the river and climbs the hills that surround the fjord. The terrain is rugged, with numerous cliffs and waterfalls, and the climate is maritime, with mild summers and cold, wet winters.   The fertile riverbanks allow for some agriculture, while the fjord is rich in fish and other marine resources. The Tarn Bridge, an engineering marvel, spans the River Tarn and is a vital link for trade and transportation.
Founding Date
~300 BRE
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


The Encyclopaedia
Divines, Spirits and their Realms
The Atlas
Chronicle of War
The Almanac

Cover image: by tarkinlarson using MidJourney


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