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West Theron

West Theron, historically known as Tharandael, is a geographic region located in the western part of Theron on the continent of Orynthia. The region is bordered by the Great Ocean to the west, the Great Plains to the east, and shares a southern border with the Kingdom of Set.   Renowned for its rich silver deposits along the coastline and the highlands, West Theron has been a significant economic and political centre in Theron's history. The capital city, Old Harran, is situated within this region and was historically the seat of the Kings of Theron. Following the death of King Brennus in 325 RE and the subsequent fragmentation of Theron, West Theron came under the tentative control of the Namorian Republic Republic, which renamed it from its historical name, Tharandael. The region's rugged coastline, with its cliffs and rocky shores, contrasts with the lush interior landscapes known for their fertile soils and old-growth forests.


The geography of West Theron is characterized by a rugged and dramatic coastline, which features towering cliffs, rocky outcrops, and numerous inlets and bays. The constant battering of the waves from the Great Ocean has carved a jagged shoreline, with sea stacks and natural arches dotting the landscape. Just inland from the coast, the terrain gives way to dense, verdant forests, where ancient trees shrouded in mist create an almost mystical atmosphere.   As one ventures further inland, the forests become interspersed with rolling hills and open meadows, where wildflowers bloom in abundance during the spring and summer months. The soil in these meadows is remarkably fertile, making them ideal for agriculture. Farmers in West Theron cultivate a variety of crops, and the area is particularly known for its flavourful berries and hearty grains.   In the northern part of West Theron, the terrain gradually elevates into the Silver Highlands, named for the rich silver deposits found in this area. The highlands are characterized by rocky slopes, heather-covered moors, and sparkling streams cascading down from the hills. Here, mining has been an important industry for centuries, with the silver mines being a significant source of wealth for the region.   Several rivers crisscross West Theron, including the Laranthir River, which begins in the Silver Highlands and winds its way through the forests and meadows before emptying into the Great Ocean. The river is known for its crystal-clear waters and is home to a variety of freshwater fish, including the prized Silver Trout.


The ecosystem of West Theron is diverse, thanks to its varied geography. The coastal areas are home to a range of seabirds, seals, and crustaceans. The forests are dominated by broadleaf trees like oaks and ashes and several confifers and pines, and are inhabited by deer, foxes, and numerous bird species. The meadows support various grasses and wildflowers, providing habitats for small mammals and insects. The Silver Highlands have a more rugged ecosystem with heathers, mosses, and hardy shrubs. The rivers, including the Laranthir River, are home to otters, water voles, and various species of fish.   The interplay between the seasons and the geography of West Theron creates a dynamic ecosystem cycle. The abundance of the spring and summer months supports a flourishing wildlife population, which in turn adapts and contracts during the harsher winter months. The cycle is also closely tied to the human activities in the region, with agricultural practices and fishing deeply woven into the ecosystem.


The climate of West Theron is classified as temperate maritime, with mild, wet winters and cool, moderately dry summers. The region’s location on the coast of the Great Ocean means that it is heavily influenced by oceanic currents and winds, which moderate the temperatures throughout the year.  
  • During the winter months, temperatures typically hover just above freezing, and snowfall is relatively rare along the coast. However, the Silver Highlands in the northern part of West Theron may receive some snowfall. Winter is also the wettest season, with frequent storms rolling in from the Great Ocean, bringing heavy rainfall and strong winds.
  • Spring is a time of renewal in West Theron as the days grow longer and the temperatures begin to rise. The meadows and forests burst into life, with wildflowers carpeting the landscape and trees budding with new leaves. This is also the season when the migratory birds return to West Theron, and the rivers become abundant with fish.
  • Summer, though brief, is a cherished season in West Theron. The temperatures are mild, typically in the mid to high teens Celsius, and the days are long, with twilight extending well into the night. The forests are dense with foliage, and the meadows are used for grazing livestock and growing crops. The coast becomes a hive of activity, with fishing boats venturing out into the Great Ocean and families gathering seaweed and shellfish along the shore.
  • Autumn is a season of transition. The leaves in the forests change colour, creating a vibrant display of reds, oranges, and yellows. This is also the harvest season, with farmers gathering their crops and preparing for the winter. The rivers teem with fish making their way upstream to spawn, and the forests are rich with mushrooms and berries.

Fauna & Flora

In West Theron, the rich biodiversity is shaped by its varied geography, from the rugged coastline and the lush forests to the highlands and the meadows.


  • Silver Birch - A variety of birch tree native to West Theron, characterized by its silver-white bark and vibrant yellow leaves in the autumn. It’s abundant in the lower Silver Highlands and some believe its bark has medicinal properties.
  • Blue Coast Heather - Found along the rocky shores, this heather has striking blue-purple flowers which bloom in late summer, and is used in traditional Theronian herbal medicine.
  • Giant Sea Kelp - Growing in the shallow waters off the coast, this kelp is known for its immense size. The locals harvest it for various uses including as a food source.
  • Golden Meadowclover - A clover with golden-yellow flowers found in the meadows of West Theron, often used in traditional Midsummer celebrations.


  • Theronian Red Deer - A subspecies of red deer native to West Theron, known for its impressive antlers. It’s often found in the forests and is a symbol of the region's natural heritage.
  • Sea Eagles - With a massive wingspan and keen eyesight, these majestic birds are often seen soaring along the cliffs of the coastline. They primarily feed on fish and have become a symbol of West Theron’s wild beauty.
  • West Theron Otter - Found along the rivers, especially the Laranthir, this playful creature is known for its agility in water. It feeds mainly on fish and has a dense, water-repellent fur.
  • Oranth's Puffin - A small seabird with a colourful beak, it nests in colonies on the coastal cliffs. Named after the ancient Theronian sea god Oranth, it is believed to be a good omen among local fishermen.
  • Silver Highland Lynx - This elusive wildcat dwells in the Silver Highlands and is known for its silver-grey fur and tufted ears. Sightings are rare, and it's often considered a creature of Theronian folklore.
These species are integral to the ecology of West Theron and have often played a role in the region's culture and folklore. Efforts to preserve and sustain these indigenous flora and fauna are key in maintaining the environmental balance and heritage of the area.

Natural Resources

West Theron is blessed with an abundance of natural resources that have shaped the region's economy and culture for centuries.
  • Silver - The region’s most famed resource, silver is abundant especially in the Silver Highlands. The high-quality silver mined here has historically been used for coinage, jewelry, and ceremonial objects, and has been a significant driver of West Theron's wealth and trade.
  • Timber - The dense forests of West Theron provide a vast supply of timber. Various species of trees, including the native Silver Birch, are harvested for construction, shipbuilding, and firewood.
  • Fish - The coastal waters are teeming with a variety of fish species, making fishing one of the primary occupations of the coastal communities. Fish such as cod, herring, and salmon are harvested both for local consumption and trade.
  • Seaweed and Sea Kelp -  The Giant Sea Kelp found off the coast is harvested for various purposes including as a food source, as a fertilizer for crops, and for its iodine content which has medicinal applications.
  • Medicinal Herbs and Plants - The flora of West Theron includes several plants with medicinal properties. The Blue Coast Heather and bark from Silver Birch are used in traditional Theronian herbal medicine.
  • Fur and Leather - The Theronian Red Deer and West Theron Otter are sources of fur and leather. While these materials are not harvested in large quantities to protect the local fauna, they are still valued for their quality.
  • Peat - In some of the boggy and marshy areas, peat is abundant. It is traditionally cut and dried to be used as fuel for heating and cooking in local households.
  • Fresh Water - The rivers and lakes, particularly the Laranthir River, are important fresh water sources and are critical for agriculture in the region.
These natural resources have played a crucial role in shaping the way of life in West Theron, influencing not only the economy but also the culture and traditions of its people. With the establishment of the Namorian Republic’s influence in the region, there has been an effort to manage these resources sustainably to ensure long-term prosperity.
Alternative Name(s)
Location under
Owning Organization


The Encyclopaedia
Divines, Spirits and their Realms
The Atlas
Chronicle of War
The Almanac

Cover image: by tarkinlarson using MidJourney


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