Mistwatch Building / Landmark in Timeuria | World Anvil
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by AI generated using Nightcafe

Purpose / Function

Mistwatch was created as a result of the War of 344. It was founded as a strategic outpost not only for the defense of Stoze but also as a neutral ground that would allow for diplomatic discussions between representatives of Stoze and the Northern Elven Kingdom.


The architecture here in mistwacth mirrors that of most of Stoze, although it lacks some of the elegance of the larger cities such as Murdershold and Shadowhold for example. The buildings seem rushed in construction and the finer details are missing but the general shape follows the design language of the nation. Most of the buildings are made of materials found in the neighboring area, although the quarters for Captain Markus Montcroix and his family are significantly nicer.


Several large watch towers surround the city, with large fortified walls with ballistas on top and arrow loops for archers to shoot through. Armed guards patrol the city 24 hours a day and scouts are periodically sent out to investigate nearby activity. They are also nearby several larger cities including black harbor and castle morrigon which can supply troop reinforcements that arrive within a fortnight if needed. There is also a section of wizards, sorcerers and warlocks that magically ward the city from attacks of an arcane nature. The city also backs up to tall rocky hills and forests on its northern side, which help to provide a natural barrier against infiltration.


Over the past 180 years the city has stood as a testament to the ongoing relations between the elves and the citizens of Stoze. It has served as a meeting point on several occasions after the war of 344. While it can't be called an alliance per se, the truce between the two kingdoms has stood in place largely because of the communication fostered at Mistwatch.
Founding Date
6th of Taph, 345 RE
Parent Location
Owning Organization

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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