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Asha is a young Shifter woman who was Ghost's older sister. She was presumed dead following the Goblinoid attack that wiped out Three Rivers village. Rumors about a female feline warrior fighting in the arenas of Minostal kindled hope for Ghost that she may live, although disturbing stories about the White Cat might’ve made Ghost hope it isn’t Asha after all. Once she arrived in Manakos, Ghost has met the Cat and discovered that it was definitely Asha.   Apparently Asha was captured by goblin slavers during the attack on the village that separated them. She was eventually sold to a group of Minotaurs that included Sklirios Bloodheart and Kethalios Blackhorns. She was put into the arena and, to everyone’s surprise, survived her first fights. Skirlios invested in her, getting her teachers to hone her combat skills, and she fought as part of Baphomet's Horns.   Initially resistant, despite Ghost’s pleas for her to come home, after her defeat by Ghost in the Great Gamesl, she was taken by Kethalios into the Labyrinth of Souls. There it was revealed that Sklirios had summoned some kind of ghostly entity to possess her. The same entity was summoned in the fight between Sklirios and the Fire Wasps, but it was destroyed. Free of its influence, Asha helped her sister and her friends, but she remains aloof and, in her words, “broken”. A visit from the Angel Manakel to Brother Natharios revealed that Asha might be healed by the Cup and Talisman of Al'Akbar. After the Cup and Talisman were recovered, Asha was healed. She still chose not to return with Ghost to their homelands, however, having found something in the city of Lashakis. It seems possible that this was a relationship with the Tabaxi Kivuli.


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