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Kalosyne Blackhorns

Kalosyne Blackhorns (born Kalosyne Bloodheart) was a Minotaur living in Manakos, Minostal. She was the younger sister of Sklirios Bloodheart, but their parents died when they were young, putting her under the thumb of her cruel and domineering brother. Somehow, a small kernel of good remained in her, and, when she met Eleos Blackhorns, she recognized a kindred spirit in him. The two were quietly married by an itinerant priest of Bahamut.
  They were soon blessed with a son, Kethalios Blackhorns, but the blessing turned sour when Kethalios took to the teachings of his uncle Sklirios. Some years later, a second child was born, but they determined this child, whom they names Natharios, would not fall into Lord Bloodheart’s hands.
  A vision from Bahamut spurred them to flee Minostal and take ship to Aldorath. Sadly a storm blew them off course, so they did not make landfall close to Estwald, as they’d intended. Landing in the Orcish Steppes, they soon found themselves fleeing north and west over several year. Tragically, their flight was cut short when Sklirios, guided by his clerical magics, Kethalios, and a band of Baphomet worshipers caught up with them just south of the town of Seowyn's Crossing. Kalosyne had just enough time to hide her child in a hollow tree before they were attacked.
  The baby might have been found, but Abbot Justan, Brother Jacoby, Brother Teodorus, and Brother Candus of the church of Shandalene happened upon them. This powerful quartet were able to drive the minotaurs off, but not in time to save Eleos and Kalosyne. They did, however, find the tiny minotaur child they’d brought with them, and Abbot Justan took him in, naming him Eustace.


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