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Old Mandargon Family Trading Company

The Old Mandargon Family Trading Company is a trade guild that travels the old Crownways from Estwald to Seowyn's Crossing, then south into Dalenshire. They are primarily represented by Human and Halfling agents, but they often hire others who share their zeal for profit. They frequently cut costs by hiring Adventurers as caravan guards, as adventurers are hardier than the average person and require less healing after a battle (which normally takes expensive healing potions or salves.)
Coin solves most ills.
— Mandargon Family saying

  The origins of the family actually lie in Falwyth where they were a prosperous trading company over 1,000 years ago. After The Rending , however, their manor house was lost, and they fled with a fraction of their trading ships to Summerlund. Within the last 100 years, they finally returned to Falwyth, setting up a trading house in Kalernios. They have begun to make regular shipping runs from Estwald to Kalernios and beyond to cities like Deshbara and Castamir. They have ambitions to trade on to Manakos, Jaipal, and Lashakis, but, to date, their ambition exceeds their resources due to the high tariffs levied against them by Queen Zeliah of Kalernios.
Guild, Merchant


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