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Rubin Dapplestream

Rubin Dapplestream is a Halfling brewer from Dalenshire. He was visiting the Witchlight Carnival with his sweetheart, Ween Applegate, and he decided to propose to her as they approached the Hall of Illusions. As he was getting down on one knee, Ween was struck by some Carnival magic and began to laugh uproariously. Terribly hurt, he ran past Candlefoot into the Hall of Illusions without paying a ticket, leaving himself vulnerable to the bargain that Mssrs. Witch and Light have with the Hourglass Coven. Luckily, Gaspar Greenseeker, Alarias ap Nithodel, and Dawn had witnessed this, so they ran in pursuit (after paying a ticket).   Gaspar found Rubin staring into a mirror that showed his youthful self, and next to him, in the mirror only, was a creepy, pale little girl with a pig mask, whispering to him. Gaspar approached him, and the girl crept away. Gaspar explained the situation, that Ween had been struck by magic, and the happy halfling left to make his proper proposal (which was accepted). Gaspar later told the others what he'd seen, and Toby Toetufts asked Candlefoot about it. He learned that the little girl was called Sowpig and was one of three thieves in the employ of the Hourglass Coven.


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