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War of the Broken Chain Begins

Military action


The War of the Broken Chain is the name given to the liberation of the island of Sudwaine from the Orcish Hordes.

The War of the Broken Chain is the name given to the liberation of Sudwaine from Orcish control in 1081 SKR. Prince Harbryn Thonwyr, perhaps keenly aware of the prophecy spoken by the oracle Threnody that said that he couldn’t take the throne of Summerlund without causing the kingdom to fall, seemed determined to secure his place in history by freeing the island-city. To this end, he called on the Adventurers known as the Fire Wasps to lend their aid.   The alliance between the orc chief Klurbok and the Fire Giant Jorgensturm the Cruel brought unexpected complications to the war. After being stalled for some months at Turtle Cove, the armies of Summerlund made landfall and took over Wavewatch Gate. After securing the aid of allies, including Prince Aureon Aelia and Prince Belerion ap Kadishai, Harbryn enacted a bold plan to break control over the island’s forces. This was aided by the Frost Dwarf Druid Rubicus Chillbrow, who used the powers of the Primal Spirits to sink most of the orcish fleet. While the Fire Wasps engaged King Jorgensturm at Castle Valkurath, the rest of the combined forces attacked the city in an all-out battle, including naval and air support.   Before Klurbok could be captured or killed, Prince Harbryn learned of the death of his parents and returned with the Fire Wasps to Estwald. Although the war may not be completely over, Commander Karatacus Brightshield is likely to bring it to a swift conclusion.