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Five Who Call

The Five Who Call was a secret organization who controlled Those Who Answer and who raised the Tarrasque in 1081 SKR. The Fire Wasps discovered initial clues to their existence from the ravings of Drenna Isenbrook . When Those Who Answer disappeared following the deaths of King Hadyn and Queen Eleanor Thonwyr, Drenna, who had been incapacitated with a broken leg and couldn't follow them, spoke about them in the tongue of the Primordials, a language she doesn’t speak.
  From Drenna’s description, they seemed to consist of:
  • Kaldakos Greysails, also known as the Grey One
  • Serresque, a Lich who is one of the last existing Weavers
  • An unknown female Elf or Eladrin
  • An unknown Hobgoblin
  • An unknown Tiefling dressed in armor

  •   Later discussions with Chime led the Fire Wasps to realize that the Hobgoblin is Kershak Nakrul, who took control of Gristamere as its Zhakastir. They ultimately discovered that the Eladrin was a Noblewoman and Necromancer who lives in Gwyllan's Watch named Lanamara Edanos, and that the Tiefling was a Paladin of Asmodeus named Andravora Krelhariv. They also that the Five Who Call had a powerful ally leading the Orcish Hordes named Gorthak the Cruel, and that they also had an ally from Dojhan - a Kalashtar named Kahetu Nal who seemed to want to slay Tristan Holdfast on behalf of Caiphon.
    Secret, Occult


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