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Timekeeping and Calendars

Long ago, the Eladrin of Tavanion fashioned a way to keep track of years, measuring from the times that the two moons, Kassyle and Davron, come new in the sky together. When the Seven Kingdoms were founded, they started measuring from that year as the beginning of a new era. In modern times, most historians of the Seven Kingdoms adopt the terms PK (Pre-Kingdoms) and (SKR) (Seven Kingdoms Reckoning) to denote when a year occurred by comparison to the founding of the Seven Kingdoms. In addition, all of the Seven Kingdoms continue to use this calendar and time-marking system.   A year begins when Kassyle and Davron are both New in the sky. This coincides with Jada 1st and 2nd, which are called New Year. These days are holy to Oldorin of The Twelve.   The year is broken into 13 months of 28 days. The months are:   1. Jada 2. Feld 3. Malg 4. Arev 5. Meht 6. Juth 7. Chul 8. Auln 9. Stet 10. Aust 11. Noln 12. Delt 13. Carolan   It is believed that the 13 month names may come from terms of the Weavers. The eladrin cannot recall where the words for the months came from, and they hold no meaning in the Eladrin tongue.   Each month is broken into 4 weeks of 7 days.   1. Sunday 2. Moonday 3. Treesday 4. Waterday 5. Earthday 6. Fireday 7. Skyday   Both Kassyle and Davron come full on the 15th and 16th of Aust each year. These days are called Harvest Moon and are holy to Shandalene of The Twelve.  


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