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    Valathorendal is an enchanted, unique cloak that was possessed by Alsarandor Lamandos, the Eladrin Fighter and Wizard who was part of the Argent Circle. Using its unique abilities, he developed a unique fighting style in combination of archery, magic, and two-weapon fighting style. The unparalleled mobility he possessed with the cloak lent itself to fast, hit and run attacks.   The cloak allowed him to fly at great speeds. It also gave him extra accuracy with his longbow, extra spellcasting tricks, and extra protection from his magicks being disrupted. It also gave him affinity and speech with birds and other creatures of the air.   He used his abilities in battle against the Tarrasque, moving in to blast it with magic or to pepper it with arrows, drawing it away from his allies and civilians as it chased him through the air.   After his death, the cloak was passed down through his line for some time. One of his descendants was granted the castle on Targoldar and kept it there. When Targoldar became Aigoldar, the castle it was kept in became known as the Bastion of the Lord of Bats, but Geryon was unable to unlock its powers. It remained in his hoard for centuries until it was claimed by Shaper of the Fire Wasps.
Item type
Clothing / Accessory


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