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Battle of Gaston Strand

Military action


In 5 SKR, the Orcish Hordes had been raiding along the coasts of Aldorath for years. Although they had been using the Island they called Sharbaduk as a headquarters, their leader, Grukh the Bloody-Seer, commanded that they would now move their forces fully onto the main-land. They chose an area of coastal Dalenshire known as Gaston Strand, just a minor beach-front of no great value, as their landing place. They landed and began disembarking.   To their surprise, they found the united armies of the Seven Kingdoms lying in wait. As Eladrin war-ships bearing Kurdenheim engineers and weapons closed in on either side to hem their ships in, Halfling irregulars rose up from the sand, striking in vulnerable areas. Summerling cavalry rode them down, wielding Dwarf-forged weapons, as Hastane and Goblinoid warriors came from hidden fortifications.   The battle was a complete rout. Barely half of the Orc ships managed to escape, under the command of an ambitious orcish general named Broglarak the Fat. The ships abandoned Grukh, who met his messy end under the knives of the halflings. Although this didn’t end the War of the God King, it set the hordes back considerably.