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History of Tol

The Time of Legends

... 3001 PK

Rough estimates of ancient historical events that do not have a specific time recorded for them.

  • -96999 AL

    -6999 AL

    Dawn War
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Dawn War is the multi-millennia spanning conflict between the Gods and the Primordials for the fate of the newly made world of Tol and its inhabitants. The Primordials, having fashioned Tol's physical structure, returned to the Elemental Chaos to rest. While they were gone, the Gods created life on Tol. When the Primordials returned, they intended to destroy Tol and start anew, but the Gods wanted to preserve it. War between these forces and their creations for ages and generations. Eventually, thanks to an alliance between the Gods and the Primal Spirits, the Primordials were defeated, and Tol was saved.

  • -26999 AL

    The Fall of Asmodeus

    Asmodeus, mighty Exarch of a deity remembered only as the Mourned God, rebels against his master. Due to the chaos of theDawn War, the other Gods are unable to come to the deity's aid. Asmodeus destroys him, consuming his spark of divinity and becomes a god himself. The lost god's Astral, Hell, becomes Asmodeus' prison, and the Angels who fought beside him become the first Devils.

  • -23999 AL

    The Creation of the Abyss
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The God Tharizdun plants a seed of evil at the "Bottom" of the Elemental Chaos. The seed expands, consuming a large area of the Elemental Chaos, turning it into the Abyss. The various Elementals caught in the Abyss' forming become Demons, and the most powerful Primordials caught become the Demon Princes. Disturbingly, at least two Demon Princes, Demogorgon and Dagon, seem to have simply been created as part of the creation of the Abyss. They don't seem to have been Primordials before their transformations.

  • -21999 AL

    Blood War
    Military action

    The Blood War is an ancient conflict that has raged across the lower planes since the formation of the Abyss. Demons from the Abyss bubble out with intent to destroy the cosmos, and, under orders from Asmodeus, Devils from Hell march out to meet them and stop them in the field. The higher powers do their best to remain uninvolved, feeling that, if one side finally defeats the other, they can then move in and destroy whatever’s left.

  • -1999 AL

    The Revolution of the Dwarves

    Led by the hero Balgon Fivebraids, the Dwarf race rebels against the Giants of Jotunheld that have kept them in slavery. They flee south, through the Underdark, traveling under the Frozen Sea.   Balgon sacrifices himself to stop the giantish pursuit. His daughter, Cassada Fivebraids, leads the dwarves the rest of the way back to the surface, in northern Aldorath. She founds the city of Balgondelve, and she claims the lands around, becoming the first Ar-Thane of Kurdenheim.

  • -399 AL

    199 AL

    Goblinoid Conquests
    Military action

    Under the banner of priests of Kavesh, the Goblinoids living in northeastern Aldorath begin a series of conquests of the people living on the continent at the time. They take much of the central continent, bringing many Kalrentai Humans and Halflings under their banner. They are stymied in the north by the Dwarves of Kurdenheim. Their attempts to conquer the dwarves begins a blood feud between the peoples that, to some degree, continues to this day. These conquests continue for about 600 years, until the Eladrin and Elves come from the west, claiming the western part of the continent for their own, and freeing many humans.

Pre-Kingdoms Era

3000 PK 0 PK

This represents the recorded era prior to the founding of the Seven Kingdoms.

  • -3000 PK

    Arrival of the Eladrin
    Population Migration / Travel

    The first Eladrin begin arriving from the Feywild into what will eventually become Tavanion.

  • -2791 PK

    Founding of Eldanor

    Deep in the Feywild, the Kingdom of Eldanor is founded by the Eladrin.

  • -2573 PK

    17 /11

    Coming of the Hastane
    Population Migration / Travel

        Having broken the chains of the Giant of Jotunheld, the Hastane sail south across the Frozen Sea to Aldorath. There, they found the city of Sigurth's Climb and begin fighting with both the Dwarves and Goblinoids who live nearby.

  • -1870 PK

    -1787 PK

    The Feywar
    Military action

    The worshipers of Laloltharia rise up against the other Eladrin, eventually becoming known as the Drow. They are finally defeated and driven into the Underdark by an alliance of Eladrin, Elves, and Gnomes.

  • -1837 PK

    Lolth Declares Herself
    Religious event

    Laloltharia, Goddess of Intrigue and Cunning and part of the deific group called The Sisters, declares herself Lolth, Demon Queen of Spiders, forsaking the realm of Arvandor to take up residence in the Abyss. Her worshipers become known as the Drow.

  • -1800 PK

    The Departure of the Elves

    Some of the Eladrin of Eldanor split from their brethren, coming to Tol with no intention of leaving. They largely settle in the Forest of Neldorin and become known to humans as the Elves.

    Additional timelines
  • -1790 PK

    The Eladrin-in-Exile
    Population Migration / Travel

    A large number of Eladrin travel from Eldanor into Tol with their Gnome servants. They arrive specifically to battle the Drow, who have retreated into the world. They will bear the title Eladrin-in-Exile until, following the release of the Worldbreaker in 1081 SKR, Esavol Maraliana ap Kadishai led her people back into the Feywild, leaving only a small number of Eladrin behind.

    Additional timelines
  • -1787 PK

    1 /4
    -1787 PK

    17 /6

    Drow Retreat to the Underdark
    Military action

    An alliance of Eladrin and Elves finally breaks the Drow lines. The Drow follow their priestesses into the Underdark.

  • -738 PK

    Founding of Azmartheon. First Dragon Emperor crowned.

    Having united much of central Keshwan under the banner of Bahamut, the Dragonborn declare themselves an Empire. The first Deagon Emperor is crowned.

  • -705 PK

    26 /2
    -698 PK

    8 /12

    War of Horns
    Military action

    The War of Horns was a brutal conflict that raged from 705 PK to 698 PK. The Minotaurs of Minostal began to try and conquer the regions along their borders. Finally, the Dragonborn of the Empire of Azmartheon grew weary of the raids by their neighbors, and they set out to pacify the region.   The war was brutal but relatively short. Finally, the minotaurs were defeated and brought into the Empire as a state in vassalage to the Dragon Emperor. The dragonborn helped civilize the minotaurs, drawing them from the worship of their creator, Baphomet, to seek the honor and glory of the Platinum Dragon. This time of minotaur civilization is unparalleled in their history. Sadly, the events of the War of Ashes, The Rending, and the murder of Eukleides Niklaos by Stamatis Zotikos brought this glorious time to an end.

  • -667 PK

    14 /2

    Bedourin Becomes Vassal State of Azmartheon
    Political event

    Having long been courted by the Empire of Azmartheon Overview, and impressed by the Empire's treatment of the conquered Minotaurs of Minostal, the Kingdom of Bedourin becomes a vassal state of Azmartheon. The rank of king falls out of use, and Bedourin enjoys trade and protection from Azmartheon for many years.

  • -337 PK

    3 /13
    -231 PK

    17 /9

    War of Ashes
    Military action

    A war fought on the continent of Keshwan. This tragic conflict saw the end of both the Empire of Azmartheon and the Kingdom of Falwyth, the Empire of Minostal fall to demonic worship, and The Rending, a cataclysm that altered Keshwan's geography forever.

  • -235 PK

    25 /11

    Argent Circle Defeats the Tarrasque
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Adventuring Company called the Argent Circle faces and defeats the Tarrasque as it rampages in Falwyth.

  • -233 PK

    Death of King Eukleides Niklaos
    Life, Death

    The last philosopher-king of the minotaur nation of Minostal, Eukleides Niklaos, was murdered in the Hall of the People by Stamatis Zotikos. This began the nation's backslide into the worship of Baphomet.

  • -231 PK

    9 /2

    The Rending
    Disaster / Destruction

    On the day of The Rending, a shocking cataclysm hit the Empire of Azamartheon and the Kingdom of Falwyth, altering much of the continent of Keshwan virtually overnight. The formerly lush lands of Azmartheon became a desolation, and Falwyth was blown apart into an archipelago of broken islands.

  • -133 PK

    27 /9
    -75 PK

    15 /4

    Reign of Kostyn Lavonwyn
    Political event

    The Reign of Kostyn Lavonwyn as King of Summerlund.

    Additional timelines
  • -114 PK

    27 /4

    Birth of Damotyre Nudrassen
    Life, Birth

    The birth of the poet and playwright Damotyre Nudrassen of Summerlund.

    Additional timelines
  • -103 PK

    First Aberrations Appear
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    As the first major conjunction between Tol and the Far Realm occurs, the first Aberrations appear in Dojhan.

  • -89 PK

    -73 PK

    Construction Begins on the Amphitheatre of Damotyre
    Construction beginning/end

    At the command of King Kostyn Lavonwyn, construction begins on the new Amphiteatre of Damotyre in the city of Estwald. Although Kostyn doesn't live to see the young artist's work performed there, Damotyre outlives the king by over 20 years.

    Additional timelines
  • -53 PK

    23 /4

    Death of Damotyre Nudrassen
    Life, Death

    After a prolonged period of illness, the famous Tiefling playwright, Damotyre Nudrassen, passes away in his home with his children.

    Additional timelines
  • -43 PK

    7 /7

    Shalana Silvermyst Becomes Esavola of Tavanion
    Political event
  • -7 PK

    11 /13

    Seowyn Greenfields Begins His Rise
    Life, Career

    The Summerling soldier Seowyn Greenfields helps repel wolves during a particularly bitter winter. He is recognized for his valor and his tactical cunning, and he comes to the attention of the King. He is made an officer of Phoenix Company.

    Additional timelines
  • -6 PK

    Prelude to the War of the God-King
    Military action

    As lead up to the War of the God King, Grukh the Bloody-Seer leads ships north from Turkhast to Aldorath.

  • -5 PK

    Orcish Raiding Begins
    Military action

    Having sailed up from Turkhast Overview, the Orcish Hordes begin raiding along Aldorath's eastern and southern coasts.

Seven Kingdoms Reckoning

1 SKR and beyond

The modern age, beginning with the founding of the Seven Kingdoms.