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History of the Seven Kingdoms

  • 1800 PK

    The Departure of the Elves

    Some of the Eladrin of Eldanor split from their brethren, coming to Tol with no intention of leaving. They largely settle in the Forest of Neldorin and become known to humans as the Elves.

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  • 1790 PK

    The Eladrin-in-Exile
    Population Migration / Travel

    A large number of Eladrin travel from Eldanor into Tol with their Gnome servants. They arrive specifically to battle the Drow, who have retreated into the world. They will bear the title Eladrin-in-Exile until, following the release of the Worldbreaker in 1081 SKR, Esavol Maraliana ap Kadishai led her people back into the Feywild, leaving only a small number of Eladrin behind.

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  • 7 PK

    26 /10
    6 PK

    18 /3

    Grim Winter
    Geological / environmental event

    The Grim Winter was a particularly long and terrible winter on the continent of Aldorath that affected Kurdenheim, Norhast, and the northern areas of Faerinwold, and Summerlund. Huge wolves came down from the Everfrost Mountains and wreaked havoc on many towns and cities. The winter ended abruptly, and some believed that the mages of the Universitas Magesterium had discovered a portal to the Elemental Chaos in the mountains and closed it.

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  • 6 PK

    Prelude to the War of the God-King
    Military action

    As lead up to the War of the God King, Grukh the Bloody-Seer leads ships north from Turkhast to Aldorath.

  • 5 PK

    Orcish Raiding Begins
    Military action

    Having sailed up from Turkhast Overview, the Orcish Hordes begin raiding along Aldorath's eastern and southern coasts.

  • 1 SKR

    12 /9
    10 SKR

    14 /2

    War of the God King
    Military action

    The War of the God King saw the Orcish Hordes making their first major offensive on the continent of Aldorath. They were met by the newly formed Seven Kingdoms and defeated soundly.

  • 3 SKR

    26 /8
    3 SKR

    16 /9

    Battle of Kebeshkrak's Stone
    Military action

    The Battle of Kebeshkrak’s Stone was fought during the War of the God King. A division of Gryphon Company under the command of the Dragonborn knight Dame Kebesh Aurumadrath held the passes through the region then known as the Argent Hills. As the Orcish Hordes tried to pass through the hills to attack the retreating Eladrin forces, including a wounded Shalana Silvermyst, Dame Kebesh refused to yield the pass. She intended to either make them go around, this allowing the Eladrin time to escape, or pay dearly for access to the passes.   For three weeks, she held her position near a large rock formation. She refused to give even an inch to the orcs, and her soldiers fought tooth and nail to support her. Finally, one of her own soldiers, a dragonborn known as Ythmaurg Verenthalak, attacked her with a poisoned blade, weakening her. The orcs took advantage of the confusion, pushing into the passes. As they came through, however, they were met by fierce Elven guerilla-fighting archers who had been moving to support Dame Kebesh’s position and drive the Orcs back. The orcs were routed and forced to flee.   The dragonborn who had served under her declared her Kebeshkrak (Kebesh the Immortal), and the Eladrin named the rock formation that she had held as Kebeshkrak’s Stone as well as renaming the Argent Hills to the Kebeshdrai. Her name is one of the non-Eladrin heroes recognized by Tavanion in their annals and to whom they consider themselves indebted.

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  • 5 SKR

    15 /5
    5 SKR

    15 /5

    Battle of Gaston Strand
    Military action

    In 5 SKR, the Orcish Hordes had been raiding along the coasts of Aldorath for years. Although they had been using the Island they called Sharbaduk as a headquarters, their leader, Grukh the Bloody-Seer, commanded that they would now move their forces fully onto the main-land. They chose an area of coastal Dalenshire known as Gaston Strand, just a minor beach-front of no great value, as their landing place. They landed and began disembarking.   To their surprise, they found the united armies of the Seven Kingdoms lying in wait. As Eladrin war-ships bearing Kurdenheim engineers and weapons closed in on either side to hem their ships in, Halfling irregulars rose up from the sand, striking in vulnerable areas. Summerling cavalry rode them down, wielding Dwarf-forged weapons, as Hastane and Goblinoid warriors came from hidden fortifications.   The battle was a complete rout. Barely half of the Orc ships managed to escape, under the command of an ambitious orcish general named Broglarak the Fat. The ships abandoned Grukh, who met his messy end under the knives of the halflings. Although this didn’t end the War of the God King, it set the hordes back considerably.

  • 9 SKR

    17 /11
    9 SKR

    17 /11

    Battle of the Burning Sea
    Military action

    In 9 SKR, the War of the God King had reached a climax. Not since the death of Grukh the Bloody-Seer had the victory of the Orcs seemed so possible. As Broglarak the Fat’s naval forces held the Eladrin ships on the coasts of Tavanion, orcish marines began slaughtering the outnumbered Elves along the coastal regions of Faerinwold. These two races had born the brunt of much of the fighting, and these battles made them wonder why they had ever tried to forge an alliance amongst the Seven Kingdoms.   The answer came swiftly. The Summerling general Seowyn Greenfields led Summerling knights and soldiers, Gristameri shocktroops, and Dalenshire irregulars to the rescue of the embattled elves. As they drove the orcish ships out into deeper waters, eladrin galleons manifested out of the Feywild, led by the Triton’s Horn. They smashed the ships of the marines, then sailed on to raise the blockade in Tavanion. This conflict became known as the Battle of the Burning Sea.

  • 13 SKR

    7 /4

    Death of Shalana Silvermyst
    Life, Death

    After a long lifetime of service to her country and people, Shalana Silvermyst passes into the west.

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  • 340 SKR

    11 /7
    355 SKR

    26 /4

    First Witching War
    Military action

    The First Witching War was a conflict that began in 340 SKR. King Aldwyn Tarmoore of Summerlund called the Conclave of the Seven Kingdoms together once again to battle the evil of the Witch-Queen, who was, in reality, his own sister, Adala Tarmoore. The war ended in a victory for the Seven Kingdoms, and the Witch Queen was thought defeated and exiled forever.

  • 431 SKR

    19 /7

    Founding of the Universitas Magesterium

    The mages Eliani Brightscale, Fashirion ap Anarius, Harkan Phoenixeye, Ruthven Stoneshaper, Tulia Silverstar, and Ulora Bearpelt found the Universitas Magesterium. They petition the Seven Kingdoms for a grant of land close to the center of the continent in a deep valley, and this is granted to them. They name it the Valley of the Subtle Arts and begin construction of buildings, using magic. In its time, it is one of the greatest schools of magic Tol has ever known.

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  • 690 SKR

    Founding of Black Raven
    Criminal Activity

    A student of the Universitas Magesterium, Uthol Varstros, founds an unofficial seventh school of magic, Black Raven, at the college.

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  • 701 SKR

    6 /4

    Founding of the Universitas Tarmoore

    Varwyn Tarmoore, the King of Summerlund, commissions the founding of a new school to be constructed in Estwald. He calls for this school to offer higher learning in many subjects to promising students from around his kingdom and beyond. He sets aside land in the city's Garden District, and construction begins.

  • 701 SKR

    7 /6
    725 SKR

    13 /13

    Construction of the Universitas Tarmoore
    Construction beginning/end

    Construction of the grounds and buildings of the Universitas Tarmoore begins in 701 SKR. The Second Witching War  puts major delays into the works, so the campus is not completed until 725 SKR.

  • 705 SKR

    5 /3
    720 SKR

    8 /3

    Second Witching War
    Military action

    The Second Witching War began in 705 SKR. This was a very different war, however, from the First Witching War . Adala Tarmoore, the Witch-Queen, announced her return by slaying King Varwyn Tarmoore, leaving only his young son, Caudus Tarmoore to rule Summerlund. The new King of Summerlund called the Conclave of the Seven Kingdoms together to face the foe. Although the Seven Kingdoms enjoyed success at first, the Witch Queen’s armies were legion and growing with every battle. Then the Orcish Hordes took advantage of the confusion to begin pushing into Dalenshire from the south, and Gristamere, the Goblinoid kingdom, betrayed the others. Although the Witch Queen was defeated, the Seven Kingdoms have yet to recover from this blow.

  • 709 SKR

    22 /8

    Battle of Blackfields
    Military action

    The Battle of Blackfields in 709 SKR was a turning point in the Second Witching War. Summerling regulars, led by their king, the young Caudus Tarmoore, were escorting a group of Gristameri soldiers to aid Eladrin warriors who were holding the Tavanion front against the Witch Queen’s forces. The battle seemed like it would be a quick and easy rout of the Witch-Queen’s armies.   Unbeknownst to the humans and eladrin, however, the Gristameri had been contacted by the Witch-Queen and had decided not to aid the other kingdoms against her. At the last minute, the goblins struck. They launched arrows against their human allies, sending them into disarray. Indeed, the bugbear shock troops are believed to have attacked and mauled Caudus Tarmoore, and the young king died of his injuries on the battle field. Without the support they were expecting, the eladrin were butchered by the Witch-Queen’s dark armies. From that day forward, Gristamere was considered an enemy of the other kingdoms, and the Conclave of the Seven Kingdoms has never recovered.

  • 709 SKR

    25 /8
    711 SKR

    13 /9

    Reign of Landyn Kassryx as Lord Steward of Summerlund
    Political event

    The Paladin Sir Landyn Kassryx, often thought of as the greatest example of knighthood in Summerlund's history is offered the crown by a council of nobles. In the absence of a clear heir, and with political infighting at a height, they deem it best for Summerlund to have a strong military king to lead them through the horrors of the Second Witching War  . He refuses the crown, instead taking the title of Lord Steward, against the time when a proper king can be found. Ultimately, under some pressure from the same council of nobles, he yields the throne to Barthold Valmar.

  • 715 SKR

    26 /6

    Destruction of the Universitas Magesterium
    Disaster / Destruction

    As Gristameri Regulars marched on the Valley of the Subtle Arts, their secret wards having been broken and betrayed by the rogue student Uthol Varstros, the teachers of the Universitas Magesterium faced a difficult choice. They knew that the Goblinoids would likely give their hard-earned secrets to the Witch-Queen or use them against the other members of the Seven Kingdoms, as well as slaughtering many students. Instead of facing or fighting, they chose to destroy their school, using their magics to shatter the land and let the sea rush in. Over time, the streams that had flowed into the valley cleaned the salt from the water, and the Valley was gone, replaced by the Lake of Lost Memory.

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  • 718 SKR

    1 /10
    718 SKR

    3 /10

    Battle of Seowyn's Crossing
    Military action

    The small town of Seowyn's Crossing faced the might of the Gristamere army, and, with the aid of allies, turned them back.

  • 726 SKR

    3 /9

    First Classes Taught at Universitas Tarmoore
    Scientific achievement

    After long delays in its construction caused by the Second Witching War, the Universitas Tarmoore begins its first semester of classes.

  • 831 SKR

    19 /10

    Discovery of the Warforged in the Broken Barrows
    Discovery, Exploration

    Adventurers exploring the the Broken Barrows of Ostralm discover hidden vaults full of what appear to be statues made of metal and wood. When a rune on a panel is traced, they awaken, eventually becoming known as the Warforged.

  • 969 SKR

    Gnome Exodus from Tavanion
    Population Migration / Travel

    Many Gnomes, dissatisfied with their roles as servants to the Eladrin, begin resigning their positions and departing for other lands. Many move to Faerinwold(organization:43fd4ebb-ea21-4b4f-83bb-45dcdd9f51a4) where the @[Elves treat them with more equality.

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  • 1009 SKR

    17 /11

    Gift of the Weeping Dannor
    Diplomatic action

    Elven diplomats present a Weeping Dannor to the King of Summerlund on the 1,000th anniversary of the Battle of the Burning Sea . The tree is planted on the grounds of the Universitas Tarmoore, where it flourishes.

  • 1071 SKR

    10 /5

    Tilly Thistleshanks Meets the Fire Wasps at the Spring Faire
    Cultural event

    At the 1071 SKR Spring Faire, a very young Tilly Thistleshanks meets the rest of the nascent Fire Wasps. He joins the group, becoming the smallest member, but not the least in spirit.

  • 1078 SKR

    28 /7
    1079 SKR

    13 /8

    War of the Three Heads
    Military action

    The War of the Three Heads was the name given to a year-long conflict between the Orcs of Sharbaduk and the Orcish Steppes on one side and military forces from Summerlund, Dalenshire, Faerinwold, and Tavanion on the other side. The War was largely a victory for the allied forces and allowed Summerlund forces to push on and begin the War of the Broken Chain in 1081 SKR.

  • 1079 SKR

    17 /3
    1079 SKR

    8 /8

    Fire Wasps in Owlbear Company
    Life, Organisation Association

    The Fire Wasps briefly join the allied forces at Bloodsand Beach for a stint in the War of the Three Heads . They request and are granted leave sometime after the Siege of Brokenwall Keep  to go to face an issue from Tilly Thistleshanks' past.

  • 1080 SKR

    6 /8

    Fire Wasps Inducted into the Redwing Regiment
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    As a thanks for actions that the Fire Wasps took in the name of Gristamere, Zhakastir Thrukesh Gerstenmager inducts them into the Redwing Regiment. This is an unusual honor for non-Goblinoids.

  • 1081 SKR

    25 /11 23:00

    The Worldbreaker Is Released
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Using the power drained from Those Who Answer, the Five Who Call cast a ritual at the Temple of Elemental Evil to free the Worldbreaker, tying it to Tharizdun to make every soul a sacrifice dedicated to freeing the Chained God.

  • 1081 SKR

    27 /11 08:00
    1081 SKR

    1 /12 20:00

    The Fourth Conclave of the Seven Kingdoms
    Diplomatic action

    Called by Lord Steward Harbyrn Thonwyr and Tristan Holdfast, presumed heir to the Tarmoore line, delegates from the Seven Kingdoms and beyond gathered to discuss the plans of Those Who Call and take action.

  • 1081 SKR

    5 /13 07:00
    1081 SKR

    5 /13 10:00

    Battle of Worldbreaker's Howe
    Military: Battle

    The forces of Summerlund, Tavanion, Faerinwold, Dalenshire, Dammunheim, Deshbara, Mahakazor, and Greathome met the Orcish Hordes and the evil forces marshaled by the Five Who Call in the valley called Worldbreaker's Howe. At the same time, the Fire Wasps battled the Tarrasque and members of the Five Who Call and their allies. Although the allied forces were victorious, Prince Belerion ap Kadishai was slain.  

  • 1081 SKR

    5 /13 10:00

    Death of Prince Belerion ap Kadishai
    Life, Death

    At the Battle of Worldbreaker's Howe, Prince Belerion ap Kadishai, who had led the forces of Tavanion in the fight, was slain when a boulder hurled by a Hill Giant struck and crushed both him and his gryphon mount, causing them to fall behind the ranks of the Orcish Hordes. When he was found, he had been struck by many orcish weapons, and he was surrounded by those he had defeated.