Betrayal and Reunions



After it was revealed to Zachriel that Vasili von Holtz was actually Strahd von Zarovich, it is up to him to bring the new that the sword's hilt has been stolen from under his hands. More of Zachriel's backstory may be revealed in this chapter as well.  

Izek Strazni

Izek Strazni, initially angry with Zachriel, decides to return to his research, this time taking into account Baron Vargas Vallakovich's dept to him, leaving the party and finding out more about Lady Fiona Wachter's work.  

Stella Wachter

The end-goal with Stella is the bring her to The Village of Krezk and heal her with the Tser Pool's ability to cast Greater Restoration once on whoever steps into the pool.


Van Richten's Tower

After leaving the Town of Vallaki, the party travels to Van Richten's Tower to say goodbye to Nemeia Pesphian, meet up with Rudolph van Richten and Emelia Karalius, and finally travel to The Village of Krezk to heal Stella from her current situation. Rudolph van Richten however, also knows how to cure her and if she comes in contact he will help her without having to travel to The Village of Krezk.  

The Next Step

It is here that the party is met at a stalemate. Emelia Karalius confesses to Fenler Karalius what they learned from Alanik Ray and Arthur Sedgwick. She shares her current state with the rest of the party, but only confesses the consequences to Fenler Karalius. During this time, Rudolph van Richten himself is particularly kind to him.   Emelia Karalius can no longer leave Barovia, even if the land is finally freed. In order to remove Ezmeralda D'Avenir's soul, her soul had to be temporarily removed as well, which caused hers to touch the mists of Barovia and therefore tying her soul to this plane.   All hope isn't lost however, Rudolph van Richten thinks that there may be a solution at The Amber Temple.

Rising Action

Preparing for Argynvost

Travelling to The Amber Temple is dangerous, specifically the part where they must encounter Argynvost at the Tsolenka Pass. Initially, Emelia Karalius wants to join the group and travel with them, however she is clearly not in a state to do so and knows this deep-down. If the party seeks no further option to do with Stella, Emelia Karalius offers to instead stay at Van Richten's Tower to take care of her.    As long as they stay inside the tower, nothing can happen to them.  

Erasmus and Ezmeralda

When they meet up with Rudolph van Richten and Emelia Karalius, Fenler Karalius also notices the presence of Erasmus van Richten's and Ezmeralda D'Avenir's ghosts lingering around the tower. They know that Fenler Karalius can see and hear them, but when confronted they tell him that they don't want Rudolph van Richten to know they're there, afraid to break the poor old man's heart when he will inevitably try and bring them back, even if it would kill him.   They offer to protect Emelia Karalius and Stella as they party goes away to The Amber Temple.  

Setting Up

The party may choose however long they need to prepare for Argynvost, Rudolph van Richten does however insist they find something to keep them warm on their journey. 


The Journey

During the journey to the Tsolenka Pass to confront Argynvost, you soon walk past The Wizards of Wine where you notice that the snow from the south and from the north is now almost connected, nearly covering the entire span of the map with snow. The vineyard itself is still quite the lacklustre appearance, but the winery itself has almost been restored to the magnificent building that it was before.   The land, even more desolated than before, forms a lonely road towards your goal, killing Argynvost and exploring The Amber Temple, in the hope of finding even a single thread of hope to free this forsaken country.   After two weeks of travelling, there is no path in sight, after waking up each day feeling closer to death, you notice that even your winter-clothing does not suffice for this horrifically inhospitable climate. Nights become longer, or so you think, for it is actually your ability to sleep which shortens at each sundown. The ability to feel your fingers has left unnoticed, as frostbite seems closer and more real as it has ever done before.   The area, which seems to have been long-forgotten as the world continued on, appears to have no form of life present. Even the enduring winter-wolves have left this hopeless terrain, hoping for a less frigid home and a non-frozen food source.   Nevertheless, you push on. Bunny afraid to turn back, following the internal urge to move forward unendingly. Zachriel, fuelled with rage and revenge and the hope to one day take the life of the man who took everything from him. Rudolph, who even after almost a year of having his life torn apart further than it somehow was before, still on the side of Good, unable to keep his heart away from those who need it most. And last, but definitely not least, Fenler the one refusing to take no for an answer, the one so close the his happily ever after, the one with a vision, the one pushing out in front of the party never stopping until his body forces him to.   It takes nearly three weeks in this current condition until the shelf of rock on which the mountain road clings grows narrow. To your left, the icy cliffs rise sharply toward dark, rolling clouds. To your right, the ground falls away into a sea of fog. Ahead, through the wind and snow, you see a high wall of black stone lined with spikes and topped by statues of demonic vultures with horned heads. Set in the center of the wall is a closed iron portcullis, behind which burns a curtain of green flame.   On the other side of the dark wall, gripping the mountain’s edge, is a guard tower of white stone topped by golden statues of mighty warriors.

Falling Action

Introducing Argynvost

Setting foot on the snow-covered black stones of the large bridge separating you from The Amber Temple the wind picks up as a gargantuan figure swoops down from the skies and lands on the bridge with a crackling impact as the ice and snow instantly breaks off and falls down into the mists, eventually ending up in the Luna River. This enormous figure speaks with a voice as loud it creates a small avalanche at each word.   Argynvost speaks: ''Another daring group of adventurers walks onto my bridge once more. You seem to be more common than in the past. What brings you here?''
      If someone shares that they intend on crossing the bridge Argynvost will tell them that their bodies would end up freezing after being swept down into the Luna River, not being as lucky as a fire genasi that recently tried to pass this bridge.   When pursued further, Argynvost will answer without doubt, not caring for sharing this information since even though he himself is cursed to protect the bridge he still is an enemy of Strahd von Zarovich.  

Argynvost's Knowledge

Argynvost is familiar with Zachriel and once he notices him, he will most definitely mention the following things: 
  • ''So we meet on the battle field again, I must share, you seem to have only grown weaker whereas I became more resilient.''
  • ''Do not speak up to me, you have lost every ounce of respect I had for you when you lead Lord Zarovich's army to my door.''
  • ''It is because of pests like you that forced the innocent souls of Barovia to be trapped in this permanent state of purgatory, no deed can undo that.''

    General Knowledge

  • Argynvost had been forced to stay in The Tsolenka Pass, the only knowledge he received was due to other adventurers or through the whispers of monsters.
  • He has heard of Fenler Karalius, a truly courageous man. ''We need more people like you.''
  • ''Do not consider my aid as idiocy, I am doing this purely out of the kindness from a heart that used to belong to me. The moment you cross this border there will be no going back, kind-heartedness will then be the last thing you will be thinking about.


    The moment someone continues past the entrance of the bridge, everyone rolls initiative as Argynvost calls them as foolish as any other adventurer that stood in their footsteps.


    Eventually, Argynvost is slain. In his final words, the tells the party to kill the heart of Castle Ravenloft if they want any chance of defeating Count Zarovich. He then also begs of them to return his bones to his crypt in Argynvostholt, the bones should be located at Castle Ravenloft.

    Argynvost's Strategy

    Before the battle, Argynvost will warn the party of their inevitable death, he will now include more details, only if pressed. The players may make a Charisma (Persuasion) check determining the outcome.  


    Multiattack: Argynvost can use his frightful presence. He can then make 2 attacks, 1 with claw and one with bite.   Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 19 (2d10 + 8) piercing damage.   Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d6 + 8) slashing damage.   Breath Weapons (Recharge 5-6): The dragon uses one of the following breath weapons.
    Cold Breath. The dragon exhales an icy blast in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 20 Constitution saving throw, taking 45 (10d8) cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
    Paralyzing Breath. The dragon exhales paralyzing gas in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed on a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or be Paralyzed for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.  

    Bonus Action

    Hex (Concentration). You place a curse on a creature that you can see within range. Until the spell ends, you deal an extra 1d6 necrotic damage to the target whenever you hit it with an attack. The target has disadvantage on Strength checks.   Dracosmite. Once per round, when Argynvost hits with a claw attack, he can empower it with energy granted by the dark powers. By spending one spell slot, he empowers his claw attack with necrotic energy, dealing 2d8 extra necrotic damage.  

    Legendary Actions

    Argynvost has 3 Legendary Actions, only one can be used at a time, and must be after someone else's turn.   Armor of Agathys: A protective magical force surrounds you, manifesting as a spectral frost that covers you and your gear. You gain 10 temporary hit points for 1 hour. If a creature hits you with a melee attack while you have these hit points, the creature takes 10 cold damage.   Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions): Argynvost beats its wings. Each creature within 10 ft. of the dragon must succeed on a DC 22 Dexterity saving throw or take 15 (2d6 + 8) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. The dragon can then fly up to half its flying speed. If a saving throw is below 10, you will be pushed 10ft backwards.  

    Battle Behaviour

    Round 1: (LA) Wing Attack, (A) Frightful Presence + (LA) Armour of Agathys
    Round 2: If Argynvost notices Bunny  and Zachriel climbing up the side he will use his (A) Paralyzing Breath on them, (LA) Armour of Agathys.
    Round 3 and onwards: Re-roll for Cold Breath every time and use that. On a failed re-roll, use (A) Claw + Dracosmite + Bite Attack on whoever is closest to the other side. Keep using (LA) Armour of Agathys for each available Legendary Action.
    Below 20 hit points: (LA) Wing Attack, from the side of the bridge, hoping to knock whoever is still on there into the freezing water below.  

    Falling from the bridge

    If someone is knocked off the bridge, they must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 20d6 on a fail or taking half the damage on a success, as they plummet into either the snow or the water. 
      SnowIf someone were to fall into the snowbanks, they are knocked prone.
    Ice River. If someone were to fall into the Luna River, they are not knocked prone. If knocked out by the damage, they will be moved down the current for 10ft per round. If conscious, the player must make a Strength (Athletics) check (DC 14) in order to swim forward. Until they spend a Long Rest next to a heat source, the character must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 10) each hour after falling into the river or gain a level of Exhaustion.