Diaspora Geographic Location in Universe | World Anvil
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The Diaspora is an asteroid belt in the Pact Worlds system, between Verces and Eox. It was formed from the shattered remains of the twin planets Damiar and Iovo, and is home to the descendants of their inhabitants as well as numerous Free Captains and other ne'er-do-wells.



The Diaspora is made of millions of asteroids whose diameters range from less than a metre to hundreds of miles. Due to the vast size of the Diaspora, collisions between these asteroids are rare. Most are barren, airless rocks; others are self-contained sarcesian biospheres and artificial habitats. Only 8% of all asteroids are inhabited. Due to the magical nature of the catastrophe that created it, the Diaspora is full of supernatural phenomena.

Localized Phenomena


The Diaspora lacks a central government and is treated as a protectorate by the Pact Worlds government. Several factions within the Diaspora send non-voting representatives to the Pact Council. Among them, the native sarcesians are the most numerous and frequently petition for full member status, claiming that they represent all of the Diaspora's residents as a whole. In contrast, the sarcesians themselves care little about others as long as they do not infringe within a given settlement's freedom. Similarly, the dwarves only maintain order in their settlements and are indifferent toward others.

Fauna & Flora


The dominant species of the Diaspora is the sarcesians, descendants of Damiar and Iovo's people. They maintain a number of carefully terraformed crèche worlds, where they live and raise children. They usually allow outsiders to pass through their territory, but fiercely defend them from invasions, especially from Eoxians.

  Another major group is the Free Captains, a notorious bunch of pirates whose members operate across the entire Diaspora from their seat of power, Broken Rock. Dwarves are the next largest group, controlling numerous mining operations and traditional Star Citadels. Other inhabitants include refugees from Golarion, asteroid miners, raiders unaffiliated with the Free Captains, mercenaries, merchants, biologists and outsiders who slipped through the veil between planes.

  In the dark, lawless corners of the Diaspora, society breaks down. Hellknights sometimes come there to hunt criminals but usually keep to civilised places. Independent cells of Stewards occasionally operate in the Diaspora to watch over sinister plots and arrest those responsible. Nevertheless, piracy remains common, as the Free Captains continuously push law enforcement groups away from their 'free' territory.

  Various dangerous creatures make their home on the Diaspora's asteroids and in the airless void between them: void hags, asterays, shantaks and so on. Even a seemingly-empty asteroid might be home to a deadly dormant virus or a monster held in stasis.


The Diaspora came into being millennia before the Gap, when Damiar and Iovo were shattered by a magical superweapon built by the elebrians of Eox.
Titles The Lost Ones Type Asteroid belt Adjective Diasporan Diameter Varies Mass (total) 2x Gravity Varies Atmosphere Special Year length (PST) Varies Day length (PST) Varies Orbits Sun System Pact Worlds system Inhabitants Sarcesians
Asteroid belt
Location under
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