The planet Golarion once orbited the sun of the Pact Worlds system before suddenly disappearing. Its whereabouts are unknown, and all memories and records of the world across planes from the last several centuries have been lost for unknown reasons. This lack of information on the planet and the missing centuries is known as the Gap.
Golarion was once the third planet from the sun, located between the orbits of Castrovel and Akiton.
No one knows what happened to Golarion during the Gap, but it still exists somewhere unreachable by magic, along with everyone that once lived on it. No further information on the subject has ever been revealed, but whether this is because the planar powers are not telling, or simply do not know Golarion's current location is unknown.
Golarion was once the third planet from the sun, located between the orbits of Castrovel and Akiton.
Current location
Fauna & Flora
Type Planet
Adjective Golarian
System Pact Worlds system
Adjective Golarian
System Pact Worlds system
Location under