Sun Geographic Location in Universe | World Anvil
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The sun of the Pact Worlds system, sometimes called by its Lashunta name of Mataras ("Burning Mother"), is a yellow star.   Geography Entering the Burning Archipelago. The sun, like most stars, is extremely dense and incredibly hot, and its geography is not fixed. Its gravitational forces can easily crush most starships. The fusion reactions that take place in the sun's core emit such powerful energies that it regularly rips portals to the Positive Energy Plane and Plane of Fire.   When a starship approaches the appropriate area on the sun's surface, a narrow tunnel of reduced solar energy opens, which leads to the Burning Archipelago, a set of bubbles containing cities or large platforms, protected by transparent spheres and connected by magical tethers. Unknown mechanisms, believed magical, keep the bubbles habitable and shield them from the sun's radiation and blinding brightness.   Government The Burning Archipelago is a protectorate of the Pact Worlds, and the rest of the sun is considered a shared holding of all of the Pact Worlds' members. Each city in the Burning Archipelago has its own government, ranging from theocratic Dawnshore to corporate-controlled Fireside and Stellacuna. All traffic in and out of the Archipelago is monitored by the Sarenite Dawn Patrol from Sunrise Station, although only the most suspicious travellers are denied entry.   History In 223 AG, the then-uninhabited Burning Archipelago was discovered and named by Sarenite priests and scientists in a station dedicated to studying the sun and its connection to their goddess. No one knows why the cities exist or were abandoned. Inspired by a vision of herself walking in the Burning Archipelago's streets, the Sarenite priestess Imryll Novaheart convinced some of Sunrise Station's staff to journey there. In doing so, they discovered the low-energy tunnel that allowed them to safely enter the Burning Archipelago. Soon enough, many Sarenites migrated to the Burning Archipelago, and the Radiant Cathedral in the most prominent central bubble of Dawnshore became one of its holiest sites.   For many years, the little information known to the Pact Worlds concerning the deep cultures who inhabit ruins deep in the sun that once belonged were provided by visitors from the Plane of Fire, who seem reluctant to speak more of them. Scholars have attempted to contact these deep cultures in hopes of learning more about the first life to arise in the Pact Worlds system.  This changed in 319 AR, with the completion of the Sun Diver, the first starship in the Pact Worlds capable of diving into the sun itself.   Inhabitants The sun's plasma is home to fire-immune immigrants from the Plane of Fire and strange creatures adapted to the heat and pressure. The majority of Pact Worlds citizens are restricted to the Burning Archipelago, a melting pot of peoples from across the entire system. Aside from the Sarenites, who use sunskimmers to bottle nuclear fire and maintain the Burning Archipelago's power stations, the sun also attracts corporations to its orbit for robotic experiments in algae-based energy capture, or build solar-powered robotics plants and deploy jungle boxes (transports filled with gene-modded plants) to produce rare chemicals.   The sun's extreme energy, combined with the mutations to plants in NatuReal Compounds jungle boxes, has led to at least two instances of the formation sentient and carnivorous plant creatures — to fatal effect in the instances where the boxes were not fully automated.   Visitors from the Plane of Fire use the Burning Archipelago for trade with the Material Plane.   Deeper within the sun float other bubble-cities, their inhabitants ignorant of or uninterested in outsiders: Noma, a city controlled by the AI of the same name which has generated countless protocites, distant cousins to the anacites of Aballon; Kahlannal, a city which originated as a starship carrying its anassanoi inhabitants from their doomed home star; and Lantanir, one of the oldest and deepest cities, home of the lantanirians who are suspected to be connected to the First Ones.
Titles Mataras (Lashunta)
Type Yellow star
Diameter 100x
Mass 280,000x
Gravity 28x
Atmosphere None
Year length (PST) None
Day length (PST) None
System Pact Worlds system
Inhabitants Fire elementals, plasma oozes, efreet, salamanders, anassanois, protocites
Location under

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