Idari Building / Landmark in Universe | World Anvil
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The Idari is a massive kasathan generation starship orbiting the Pact Worlds sun between Verces and the Diaspora. It originated from the planet Kasath and travelled the stars toward the Pact Worlds system, where it settled in orbit.[1]

Purpose / Function


The Idari's artificial gravity is provided by the rotation of a central cylinder, called the Drum. The Drum is around 2.5 miles long, has a radius of 0.25 miles, and slightly tapers at each end. Its surface area holds both urban areas and micro-ecosystems maintained by magic and technology; its builders recognised that plants require less upkeep than oxygen recyclers.

  In the central parts of the Drum's surface are forests and grasslands, similar to Kasath's oases, which provide both oxygen and psychological benefits. Near its ends, the Drum narrows and the floor rises up; these regions emulate old Kasath's deserts. Farther up, the slopes become cliffs.

  There are three bodies of water on the Drum: the Sternward Reservoir and Foreshore, which are busy, and the Lake of Memories, which is untouched except for the Pillar of the Homeworld, a visual reminder of Kasath. Two sets of small ponds exist: the tame, lightly forested, comfortable Lower Lakes, and the wild, isolated Upper Lakes.

  The Drum's inhabited parts are divided into sectors, each centred around an urban centre: Almolar, an open-air market; Brispex, home of temples; Gesilad, an underground library of Kasath; Heravex, a military barracks; Khovi, the main residential area, home to nearly half of the Idari's population; and Mesacand, a vast high-tech plantation.

  A zero-gravity transport tube called the Hub connects to the 'ground' of the Drum via elevator spurs located in all major areas of the Idari. The bridge and combat stations are located at the far fore of the ship, while the engines are at the opposite side, near the engineering bay, although they have been inactive for decades, their energies rerouted to the nearby Crucibles, an advanced state-run manufacturing sector that produces starships, electronics and nanotechnology. Other areas vital to the ship's function are scattered and accessible only to the crew.

  Solar collectors on the Idari's hull collect light, with which the interior of the ship is illuminated. Each artificial day is 27 hours long, divided into three nine-hour shifts. At both ends of the Idari are multiple airlocks, including large access points needed to automatically move goods to and from the ship's factories.



Shortly after the Gap, the witchwyrds visited Kasath and told the kasathas of Akiton, a perfect planet to colonise after they have fled their dying homeworld. Determined to settle this promised land, the kasathas began construction of the Idari, a great, slower-than-light generation ship.

  In 240 AG, the Idari arrived at the Pact Worlds and prepared to colonise Akiton. However, the kasathas found that Akiton was too populous and local technology has become too advanced, rendering an invasion risky. A diplomatic delegation from the Pact Council, backed by the entire Pact Worlds fleet, dissuaded the kasathas from their original intent. Instead, some of them emigrated peacefully to other worlds, while the Idari was placed in an orbit around the sun, between Verces and the Diaspora, and was admitted into the Pact Worlds as a member.
(Cosmos) Titles The Renewal Type Colony Ship Adjective Idaran Diameter 18/50000x Mass <1/100x Gravity (artificial) 1.5x Atmosphere Normal Year length (PST) 4 years Day length (PST) 27 hours Orbits Sun System Pact Worlds system Inhabitants Kasathas Source: Core Rulebook, pg(s). 446-447
Idari (City) Population 43,607 Demographics 93% kasatha, 7% other Government Oligarchy Alignment Lawful good Adjective Idaran Ruler Doyenate
Vehicle, Spaceship
Parent Location

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