Ghavaniska system Geographic Location in Universe | World Anvil
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Ghavaniska system

The Ghavaniska system is a solar system in Near Space, consisting of eight planets orbiting the star Ghavaniska. It makes up the core territory of the Veskarium, and is the closest inhabited Near Space system to the Pact Worlds system.

The Ghavaniska system consists of the blue star Ghavaniska, its eight planets, their moons, and the space station Conqueror's Forge, which moves across the system. Vesk Prime is the imperial capital of the Veskarium; the other planets officially do not have names, only numbered designations depending on their distance to the sun: Vesk-2 (Iji), Vesk-3 (Oeddertchonk), Vesk-4 (Talphiriax), Vesk-5, Vesk-6 (Pulonis), Vesk-7 and Vesk-8.

  The Veskarium's initial conquest of the seven other planets in the Ghavaniska system lasted from 3226 PG to 161 PG. After the Gap, it finished reasserting control over these planets in 10 AG.  Only the star Ghavaniska itself and its native zilbrees remain unconquered by the Veskarium.


  • Veskarium
Solar System
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Jun 18, 2023 11:10

If you don't mind how did you get your maps? I'm making a space world as well and I would like to have that information.