Stabrisis-14 Geographic Location in Universe | World Anvil
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Stabrisis-14 is a verdant jungle planet in Near Space connected to the First World.


The fourth planet orbiting a red giant star, Stabrisis-14 is covered in abundant vegetation and wildlife. Energy from the First World frequently flows to Stabrisis-14 to influence its landscape and inhabitants, although there is currently no portal.

Fauna & Flora


Stabrisis-14 is home to the semi-nomadic fey kiirintas, who tell tales of having come there via a planar breach in the distant past. It was charted by the Starfinder Society but largely unexplored, as the Society is reluctant to meddle with the kiirintas' lives.
Type Planet
Diameter 1x
Mass 1x
Gravity 1/3x
Atmosphere Normal
Year length (PST) 2 years
Day length (PST) 18 hours
Inhabitants Kiirintas
Location under

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