Pakahano Geographic Location in Universe | World Anvil
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akahano's surface consists of the relatively small supercontinent called the Lavalands, the fertile Tarpak superocean and hundreds of tropical islands. The planet is volcanically active and orbited by two small moons, Limnay and Toquale.

Localized Phenomena


Pakahano has no centralised government. Disputes are traditionally negotiated until a compromise could be reached

Fauna & Flora


Pakahano's main intelligent inhabitants are two species of plants: the peaceful floral menei who live on the coasts and islands, and the arboreal tammans, who explore the Tarpak with advanced ships and peacefully and whimsically settle uninhabited areas. Both use pokanates for a variety of purposes. The hottest inhabitable reaches of the Lavalands are home to the avian keenags.

  In recent years, AbadarCorp has spearheaded offworlders to Pakahano to seek the fortune and adventure provided by pokanates, turning the planet into a destination for tourists, scientists and corporations. Their ingenuity and greed have given rise to all kinds of festivals, resorts and laboratories, all of which disrupt the menei's and tammans' traditional lifestyle, leading to political conflicts between natives and offworlders. In addition, pokanate use has also been warming Pakahano's climate, resulting in devastating cyclones across the Tarpak that endanger both tamman fleets and menei coastal cities, and prompting the keenags to invade menei territory. The keenags have also developed a voracious appetite for pokanates and often steal them, putting them in conflict with the menei who have been mining and selling them to offworlders for generations.
Type Planet
Diameter 1x
Mass 1x
Gravity 1x
Atmosphere Normal
Year length (PST) 1 1/2 year
Day length (PST) 1/2 day
Satellites Limnay, Toquale
Inhabitants Menei,Tammans,Keenags
Location under

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