Weydana-4 Geographic Location in Universe | World Anvil
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Weydana-4 is the fourth planet in the Weydana system. Due to its variety of biomes and abundance of natural resources, it has been chosen as the site of a joint colonisation effort between the Pact Worlds and the Veskarium.


Weydana-4 has a diverse range of biomes, abundant natural resources, and no native intelligent life.

Fauna & Flora


In 321 AG, after the Weydana system was detected by long-range scanners, the Pact Worlds and Veskarium governments formed Project: Horizon, a joint effort to settle Weydana-4, now officially named New Harmony, and exploit its resources. Its most lucrative portions are divided into charters, which are sold to wealthy entities with the promise that the backing governments would purchase any resources gathered by the charters. The patrons holding the charters then began to hire hardy explorers to extract resources and prepare the land for long-term habitation.
Titles New Harmony
Type Planet
Diameter 1x
Mass 1x
Gravity 1x
Atmosphere Normal
Year length (PST) 425 days
Day length (PST) 26 hours
System Weydana system
Location under

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